Happy 90th Birthday Collingwood Masonic Centre! (Foundation Stone Trowel)
The Foundation Stone of the “United Collingwood Masonic Temple” was laid on 27 Oct 1928 and the trowel used to lay the stone is pictured below.
It was purchased from Bro H Whitehead at the Bro H Whitehead at the cost of the trowel was three guineas.
The first Lodge Meeting held in the building was on 26 Nov 1929 so as we mark our 90th Year, we should start to keep in mind that starts the approach to the Centenary of the Building’s operation. UGLV is on its third (Collins St 1887, Dallas Brooks Hall 1969 – 2014; – lasted 45 years, and now 288 Victoria Pde same site – planned dedication 9 Nov 2019). Our Brick building is about to reach double the age of Dallas Brooks Hall did.
Our goal for the Centre remains the same – to see it hit 200 years of age with Lodge operating in it, but perhaps we might start thinking of how we will mark our Centenary in 10 years?
To read the history of the hall, see this page on the History of the Collingwood Masonic Centre.
The trowel used to lay The Foundation Stone of the “United Collingwood Masonic Temple” was laid on 27 Oct 1928.