Master's Message - Review and our Lodge's Reputation, Sept 2018
From WBro Stuart, WM Lodge Devotion 2018-2019
Brethren all,
I have been the Master of Lodge Devotion for just over a month, the time is flying, we had our first meeting since Installation which included a visit from WBro Michael, who was part of the Installation team, I hope he enjoyed his time with us again, as we enjoyed his and our south at a local tavern. We also enjoyed a presentation from Bro Brad on his charitable endeavours, this gave us an opportunity to discuss and review our charitable efforts as a lodge.
The opportunity to review and discuss a lodge’s activities is something I would encourage all to do, it gives the chance for taking stock, opening up new ideas, and for future planning to ensure the ongoing activities are of strategic importance to the Lodge and the community.
During my first few weeks as a Worshipful Master I have had the opportunity to visit and attend a number of other Installations, these have included that of Arcadian Veritas, whom Lodge Devotion have a long shared history, which I hope continues for a long time to come, and the Installation of the Lodge of The Golden Fleece, (Victoria’s premier dining and entertainment lodge!!). Both these events have enabled me to enjoy the fellowship of friends old and new, and to gain an understanding of how our lodge is viewed in the wider Masonic community.
Overall the view is a favourable one, there is no doubt this is due to the Brethren who have been before me, their time and effort put in to all things Masonic. There is also no denying the extended readership this newsletter enjoys, plays a significant part in how our lodge is viewed.
This has lead to the Devotion name being known far and wide, our hospitality is almost legendary! and the newsletter has a reputation for being provocative, both of which I rather enjoy. However both of these come with responsibility, firstly to ensure we welcome all who come and visit us, ensure they are made to feel welcome and that the hospitality we are known for is extended via the clink of a glass and the extended hand of friendship. Secondly we have the responsibility to be respectful to individuals, their position in our organisation, our history and our traditions. We have a responsibility to honour those before us and to leave a legacy for those to come. Finally we have a responsibility to ensure we show our lodge in its best light.
WBro Stuart
WM Lodge Devotion 723