Vale, WBro Ivan Samuel James McKay PM
5 Sept 1922 - 5 Nov 2019
Although a little bit of time has passed since WBro Ivan McKay has passed to the Grand Lodge Above, I think it is still important that we honour in Devotion News his contribution to Freemasonry and Lodge Devotion.
WBro Ivan McKay was a Freemason for over 50 years. Bro Ivan joined Alma Lodge No 326 on 13 March 1968 and was Passed 9 October and Raised 9 April 1969, serving as Master of his Mother Lodge 1977-78. He joined Arcadian-Veritas Lodge No 340 on 14 June 1994; the same day his Mother Lodge handed in his Warrant. He also affiliated with Lodge Devotion in Feb 2015 at the age of ninety-two after visiting us for many years. Bro Ivan was always considered an important part of our Lodge and he wanted to make his membership of the Devotion Family “official”.
Ivan was delighted when his son, WBro Roger, became a Freemason in February 2008 at Arcadian-Veritas. He watched Roger go through the Chair there in 2014/15, but he witnessed and supported so many of us develop as men and Freemasons. He was always encouraging and positive, and the way he mixed with younger Brethren was always delightful, sitting among them, methodically ascending the stairs at Gipps St, or patiently waiting for lodge to start or a lift home at the end of the night.
As is often the case, we learned some of the hidden mysteries and secrets of Bro Ivan’s life only at his funeral. I was unaware that he and his wife had fostered many young babies rather than have then in institutions, despite having a large family of his own, and had many grand children who honoured him with great affection at his funeral. This funeral was strongly attended by Freemasons, including our Master John Tobin and his wife, with non-attending members of Devotion also making an effort to attend honour him.
We will all miss our Friend and Brother Ivan, and long remember the example of gentlemanly conduct he set for us.
Rest in Peace Brother after a life well lived.