Mens' Health - Movember at Lodge Devotion in 2009
Movember at Devotion
WBro Stephen of Devotion
Devotion held its Movember Party last year and as usual it was heaps of fun with all sorts of mo’s grown and some just attached for the evening. It was an opportunity for members and their guests to get together while having a bit of fun and silliness............. On the more serious side which ever way we look at it, men are far less healthy than women. The average life expectancy for men is five years less than for women. Men lack awareness about the very real health issues they face. There is an attitude that they have to be tough - "a real man" - and are reluctant to see a doctor about an illness or go for regular medical checks.
Movember aims to change these attitudes and make men's health fun by putting the Mo back on the face of fashion and in the process raise some serious funds for key men's health issues, including:
Prostate Cancer: because every year 2,900 Australian men die from prostate cancer and over 18,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Depression: 1 in 8 men in Australia will experience depression in their lifetime. Depression is an illness, not a weakness and there is no shame in seeking help - just the same as you would for a physical health problem. Effective treatments are available and with the right treatment, most people recover from depression.
As the statistics below highlight, as a result of Movember, men are beginning to change their attitudes and habits relating to their health.
- 82% of Mo Bros (or approx 102,188) talked about men’s health with friends, family or work colleagues
- 55% of Mo Bros (or approx 68,541) did some of their own research into the causes Movember supports
- 13% (or approx 16,200) sought medical advice
- 38% (or approx 47,355) encouraged someone else to seek medical advice
For further information, visit The Movember Foundation
(there were some great pictures in this edition of MoBro's and the Ladies of the lodge. Ed.)