Reflection on the Masonic Apron and a Mason’s character
From Davy Crocket Loge No 1225 AF &FM Masons Texas. Newsletter, Nov 2018
The innocence of a Mason is his gentleness, his chivalrous determination to do no moral evil to any person, man or woman, or babe.
The lambskin apron presented to the initiate during his entered Apprentice Degree should be for all his life a very precious possession; the outward and visible symbol of an inward and spiritual tie.
Our Masonic Aprons are a shield against the vices and impurities of life.
While we physically wear them when we are in Lodge, from the minute we are presented with the Apron in our Entered Apprentice Degree we symbolically wear it every minute of our lives.
It is intended that your Apron, both real and symbolic be forever spotless and pure as an ever present and conscious reminder of your conduct as a Mason