What Makes a Lodge ?

From Richmond Lodge 89 UGLV August 2011 Blog

"What Makes a Lodge ?"

That question was raised as we celebrated Worshipful Brother Carl Gardini’s last night. One answer given was visitors and Richmond Lodge - we would agree with that, but what really makes a Lodge is the truly the Masonic spirit of fellowship and support that is at the very heart of the Craft.

Our July Meeting also saw the ‘passing to the 2nd Degree’ of Brother Michael Andrew. The passing of Bro Michael was indeed testimony to that true Masonic spirit of fellowship and support. A young man joining other young men who are keen to learn and take their place in the Lodge and advance Freemasonry.

It’s been said that there is a tremendous advantage for young men to be part of a group consisting of older men. A set of values, stories, traditions, etc are passed from one generation to another. Freemasonry glues together these inter-generational groups that our current society tends to keep separate.

Older members who have a vision for the Lodge actively encourage younger men to take office, accept responsibility, and lead us on to greater things.

What Makes a Lodge – positive members with a vision for the future.

From Masons Connect (bad link removed)