Master's Message - Charity
From WBro Andrew, Worshipful Master of Lodge Devotion 2011/12
The most memorable part of my Initiation into Freemasonry was that wonderful moment when Charity was etched indelibly on my soul. Every time I see that moment repeated I re-live the same emotions. To me it is the most important part of Freemasonry.
At the closing of our evenings together we are again reminded of Charity.
“Pocket, Heart, Hand.”
The three types of charity.
Over the next year at Lodge Devotion, there are already plans to apply all three of these types of charity:
Pocket. We are currently planning some involvement with the Charity – The Grey Man. This organisation is an International organisation which seeks out and rescues children from child prostitution. Plans are being made to have a special night at Collingwood Temple where we will have a presentation by members of The Grey Man, and we will be combining this with fund raising.
Heart. Visiting our unwell Brethren at home or in hospital; The phone calls just to say hi; saying, ‘How are Ya?’ to people and actually listening to the answer.
Hand. In December, we will be hosting a Kids Christmas function for some of the under privileged children from the Collingwood area.
(Volunteers for Santa???).
Quite often people want to help others but think, what can I do? I only have a few dollars to give, that won’t help anybody. Others are very busy with work and family. Together, if we focus on the 3 types of charity, we can all add something to a larger and more effective help for others.
What I would like to see is our members building and developing these ideas. I would like to see regular presentations by, and discussions about, different charities that we can support as a Lodge. The Christmas party for example, can include, music, Santa, activities, gifts, lollies and cakes. We will need money, food and drinks (pocket); we will need support and time from members (heart); and we will need workers (hand).
Please talk to me if you can help or have any ideas.