Masonic Poetry

Frankly, Masonic web sites often carry a lot of poetry and even the casual reader is often exposed to the same poem several times.

We will only insert poems we think are particularity good or good and rare on this page.


Author Unknown

To meet upon the level

is an easy thing to say,

but when it comes to practice,

do we do it every day?

Do we meet him on the level,

if the Brother chance to be

just a little out at elbow

or baggy at the knee?

When we meet him in the workshop,

do we greet him with the grip

that we do the noted statesman

on a European trip?

Do we meet him on the level

and give him just the chance

that we do the dashing fellow

with the creases in his pants?

If fortune does not smile on him

in sunshine and repose,

do we meet him on the level

in his second-handed clothes?

Do we invite him to our church,

and seat him in our pew,

and warm our hearts by clasping hands

as Brothers ought to do?

Yes, we meet him on the level,

on the broad Masonic plan,

whenever we know him to be

a Mason and a man.

We'll meet him on the level,

and part upon the square,

and then perhaps he'll vouch for us

when we meet him over there

Toast to the Visitors

Our SW Brother Stuart had the pleasure at our 2017 Installation dinner of proposing the visitors’ Toast. His words particularly stood out, and within them he used the below poem capturing the spirit of Lodge Devotion, all good Lodges, and the brotherhood of Freemasonry. He was kind enough to forward them and they are below. Congratulations to Stuart on his outstanding toast.

Friendship is a priceless gift

that cannot be bought or sold,

But its value is far greater

than a mountain made of gold--

For gold is cold and lifeless,

it can neither see nor hear,

And in the time of trouble

it is powerless to cheer--

It has no ears to listen,

no heart to understand.

It cannot bring you comfort

or reach out a helping hand.

So when you ask God for a gift,

be thankful if he sends

not diamonds, pearls or riches,

but the love of real true friends.

Author Unknown

A Brother’s Hand

by Brother George B. Staff. From the Berkley Masonic Lodge # 536, Trestle board, August 2017, MI USA

When you're feeling all downhearted,

And life's hard to understand,

Say, it's fine to feel the pressure

Of a Brother's friendly hand.

Just to know he sympathizes,

Though he doesn't say a word;

How it starts your courage climbing,

As your heart is touched and stirred.

With an arm across your shoulders,

And a grip you love to find,

How it makes you feel the bounding

Of the hearts of humankind.

It is just a little token

Of an ever growing band,

For there's faith and hope and courage

In a Brother's friendly hand!

Ten Master Masons (Poem)

Ten Master Masons Masonic Poem