Master’s Message; - Various and Vale Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Vaughan Ellsworth Werner, Jan 2020


Margaret and I hope that you have all had a very merry Christmas (or whatever occasion you may celebrate at this time of year) and a Happy New Year. We hope 2020 brings you all health, happiness and prosperity.

The latter part of 2019 was a bit of a mixed bag as far as I was concerned. Following my Installation the Lodge was immediately busy with Initiations, planned and actual, as well as one long overdue Raising. The excellent work of my officers, Directors of Ceremony and Brethren was truly inspiring and was remarked upon by visiting Worshipful Brothers. I thank all involved for their obvious dedication to the task. I hope all felt the pride in work well done and done well, thank you.

We finished the year with a Christmas function at the Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House (BANH) Gala Ball at Collingwood Town Hall. It was a most interesting and enjoyable evening with photographs to prove it (some being withheld for blackmailing purposes)! As you know BANH has, thanks to WBro. Stuart’s endeavours, become our “cause celebre” and a worthy one at that!

I was greatly saddened the morning after the ball to learn of the passing of a man I have known and admired for nearly 50 years. Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Vaughan Ellsworth Werner suffered a major stroke while returning from a Masonic function in Shepparton. He was a Grand Master of Integrity, Decency and Honesty, a true Freemason and man of the same qualities. He was the sort of man Freemasonry seeks as a leader. The respect in which he was held was evinced by the size and eminence of the multitude of those who sent him on his journey to the Grand Lodge above. One regret I have regarding the first part of my Mastership is that I have only been able to manage two visits to other Lodges. I intend to rectify this situation in the second half of my term.

At Devotion we enter 2020 with a continuation of a busy ritualistic year with at least one Initiation and a couple of Passings.

Not all work and no play; don’t forget our annual weekend away, commencing Friday 21/02/20 when we will feature prominently at the Woolamai Picnic Races on Saturday 22/02/20. There will be more information on this important Masonic event on the pages following. (See page 6)

Looking forward to seeing you all again in 2020.

Fraternally yours

John Tobin

Worshipful Master, Lodge Devotion 723


Past Grand Master Vaughan Ellsworth Werner, Freemasonry Victoria