Large List of Notable and Famous Australian Freemasons

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Famous &/or Notable Australian Freemasons


Compiled by WBro Damien Hudson, PM Lodge Devotion 723, PM Lodge Evolution 931, UGLV
Copyright 2024 DL Hudson
Version One First Published 2007
This Version (14) is dated Monday, 6 January 2025
Email; melbournemason AT (please use “Famous Australian Freemasons” as subject) 

This list began as a short list of Famous Australian Freemasons in our Lodge Newsletter “Devotion News” and has grown to include over 1,000 notable and/or famous Australian Freemasons.


There are many lists readily available of famous Freemasons on the internet, but when this list was started in 2007, no extensive list dedicated to just Australian Freemasons existed. Never keen to simply duplicate web content from other web sites on our site I set out to compile a list of Australian members of “The Craft”. My list is now widely used by others – please cite our web site when using our content.


This compendium has been compiled over years and is always evolving. This edition is version 14.


Initially, references were not recorded, but as the list grew, it was realized it could become an authoritative and comprehensive record of Australian Freemasons. It is now the most authoritative and comprehensive list of Australian Freemasons and a useful resource for researchers. Readers should note names have only been included when the source of the same was considered reliable. Unfortunately, not all of those named have reflected honour on our Craft, but the test for inclusion is reasonable proof of membership, not subjective opinion on their actions or the lives they led. For want of other phrase; I’ve included the bad apples.


It is hard to organize such a list – where do you put a Governor General who won a Victoria Cross? An Archbishop with a Military Cross? An actor who was Grand Master and a State Politician, or a “military man” who was a doctor, humanitarian and community leader? We suggest if you are looking for something specific, either peruse the list or hold the Ctrl key and press “F” to search it, or if you have a hardcopy version – use the index. I do not duplicate many names in the list with the exception of those under the first heading.


Some inclusions are not Australians – but such men have been added for their strong link and or influence on Australia; early Governor Generals who were not “Australian” being good examples. Keep in mind this is a list of names, not a biography, I try to keep entries short but some details have been added for context and/or interest.


The real value of the list might be to social historians examining how membership of the Craft influenced some of the great men (and women) recorded below, especially how being Freemasons may have affected how they interacted with each other and society. This topic is yet to be meaningfully examined in an Australian context. With this view, there are now many on the list that may not seem very notable or famous, but the list is now being used as a starting point by many researchers, so we include such names with those researchers in mind.


Note - If you reproduce all or part of this list or use it as a reference, in the interest of good manners and the Law, you MUST cite the source. We do not knowingly add a name unless the person is deceased or agreed to be, or is, in the public eye as a Freemason.


A note on footnotes; almost all footnoted sources mention the Masonic Membership of the individual in conjunction to the specific item footnoted.

Table of Contents

Some Household Names of Men who were not Primarily Politicians

(See sections below this one for references establishing Masonic membership)

·   "Smokey Dawson" Herbert Henry MBE AM (1913 –2008), country music entertainer and community leader.

·   Sir Charles Kingsford Smith (1897-1935), aviator first to cross the Pacific from the US to Brisbane in about 1928.

·   "Chips Rafferty" John William Pilbeam Goffage (1909-1971) Film actor

·   Graham Kennedy (1934-2005), entertainer and the "King of Television". Initiated Lodge of St Kilda, 1955.

·   Charles "Bud" Tingwell (1923-2009) actor and spitfire pilot.

·   Sir Donald Bradman AC (1908-2001), world famous Australian cricketer.

·   Sir Hubert Opperman (1904-1996) world's fastest bicyclist in 1930s.

·   Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820). "Father of Australia", botanist.

·   John McDouall Stuart (1815-1866), explorer, claimed he recognised a Masonic greeting when he encountered a party of traditional owners in northern Australia.

·   Lachlan Macquarie (1762-1824), Governor of NSW (1810 to 1821).

·   James Boag (c.1822-1890), brewer, founded “J. Boag & Son” in 1883.

·   Charles Brownlow (1861-1924), football legend.


Famous Freemasons; Australian Prime Ministers

·   Sir Edmund Barton GCMG, KC (1849-1920), 1st Australian Prime Minister (1901-1903). Initiated into Australian Lodge of Harmony No 555 English Constitution on 13 March 1878.

·   Sir George Reid GCB, GCMG, KC (1845-1918), 4th Prime Minister of Australia, Lodge Centennial No. 169, UGL of NSW on 16 Nov 1896 ,

·   Sir Joseph Cook GCMG (1860-1947) 6th Prime Minister of Australia. Initiated into Lodge Independent No 8 UGLNSW 12 Feb 1892.

·   Viscount Stanley Melbourne Bruce (1883- 1967) 8th Prime Minister of Australia. Only Prime Minister to lose his seat at an election in 1929. First Australian to sit in the House of Lords. Initiated at Old Melbournians Lodge No 317 UGLV on 12 June 1925. Resigned 1960.

·   Sir Earle Christmas Grafton Page GCMG, CH (1880-1961) 11th Prime Minister of Australia . Initiated at Lodge Prince Leopold No 87 UGLNSW on 4 Dec 1917

·   Sir Robert Gordon Menzies KT AK CH FAA FRS QC (1894-1978), 12th Prime Minister of Australia, Initiated into Austral Temple Lodge No 110, UGLV on 10 March 1920. Received a 50 Year Jewel.

·   Sir Arthur William Fadden GCMG (1894-1972) 13th Prime Minister of Australia . Initiated into Freemasonry at Caledonia Lodge No 737 Scottish Constitution in Queensland on 20 July 1915

·   Sir John McEwen GCMG, CH (1900-1980) 18th Prime Minister of Australia. Initiated into Freemasonry at Lauderdale Lodge No 361 UGLV on 28 July 1926, Master that Lodge 1936, conferred PSGD 1939

·   Sir John Grey Gorton (1911-2002) 19th Prime Minister of Australia. Initiated into Freemasonry at Kerrang Lodge No 100 UGLV on 5 Feb 1948. Resigned 1990

·   Sir William McMahon GCMG, AC, CH (1908-1988) 20th Prime Minister of Australia. Initiated at Lodge University of Sydney No 544 UGLNSW on 22 March 1974.

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Famous Freemasons; Australian State Premiers

The list of Premiers has been expanded enough to warrant subsections. There are several below which generally do not appear in lists of Freemasons yet have reliable sources for inclusion.

Famous Freemasons; Australian State Premiers – NSW

·   Sir Charles Cowper KCMG (1807-1875) 2nd Premier of New South Wales five times, was initiated in The Lodge of Australia in 1862

·   Sir John Robertson KCMG (1816 - 1891) MLA MLC 5th Premier of NSW and Premier 5 times. Colonial Secretary. President Local Branch Irish (National) League from 1864 until 1865 Led squatter protest against Governor Gipps' attempt to restrict expansion beyond boundaries of location in North-West in 1838. Opposed Federation Best remembered for land reform and in particular the Robertson Land Acts of 1861, which sought to open up the selection of Crown land and break the monopoly of the squatters.

·   James Squire Farnell (1825-1888), MLA, MLC 8th Premier of NSW, politician, drover, bushman. Provincial Grand Master of the Irish Constitution, First Grand Master GL of NSW, Member Leinster Marine Lodge . .

·   Sir Robert Askin GCMG , (1907 - 1981) 32nd Premier of New South Wales, member Boree Lodge No 335 & Prince Edward Lodge No 349 In 1973 Askin became the first Premier of New South Wales to win a fourth successive term.

·   Sir Eric Willis KBE, CMG (1922-99), 34th Premier of New South Wales


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Famous Freemasons; Australian State Premiers – Queensland

·   Arthur Macalister CMG (1818-1883) solicitor and politician. 2nd Premier of Queensland (Premier there times.1866, 1866-67, 1874-76). Agent-General for Queensland (1876). Speaker of the House (1870). Briefly on Ipswich Municipal Council (1862). Board of Education (1860) and its chairman in 1862-67. He was a founding trustee of the Ipswich Grammar School. MLA. Active in Separatist Movement (from NSW). Provincial Grand Master SC QLD 1875-1879. Macalister Range is named for him.

·   Sir Charles Lilley QC (1827-1897), politician and judge. Social reformer. 4th Premier of Queensland (1868-1870). Colonial Secretary. Chief Justice Supreme Court of Queensland. Australian Republican. CMF. Attorney-General (1865-1866, 1866-1867, 1868-1869). Instrumental in establishing the Brisbane School of Arts and helped found the Brisbane Grammar School (1869). Introduced free education in January 1870. Forrester, Court Fortitude. One of five Queenslanders to be regularly initiated in Queensland, North Australian Lodge No 796 EC (QLD) on 10 Aug 1859.

·   John Douglas CMG (1828-1904), politician and administrator. MLA MLC. 7th Premier of Queensland (1877-79). Federationalist. Postmaster-General. Trustee of Brisbane Grammar School in 1874-77, foundation president Spring Hill Mechanics' Institute (1864), president North Brisbane School of Arts in 1872-85. District Grand Master SC for 18 years (1879-1896), retired 1896. Port Douglas is named for him.

·   Sir Samuel Walker Griffith KCMG (1845-1920), Chief Justice and 9th Premier of Queensland (twice), Grand Master. Federationalist.

·   Sir James Robert Dickson KCMG (1832-1901), businessman, politician and 13th Premier of Queensland. Chairman of the Brisbane Permanent Building and Banking Co. from 1876, foundation chairman of the Queensland Trustees from 1883, and chairman of the Royal Bank of Queensland in the crisis year of 1893. Federationalist. Originally a member of Scottish Masonic Constitution.

·   Sir Robert Philip KCMG(1851-1922), businessman and 15th Premier of Queensland MLA. Initiated 19 Nov 1883 in Townsville Lodge No 1596 EC

·   William Forgan Smith (1887-1953) 24th Premier of Queensland 1932-1940, painter and decorator, trade unionist and anti-conscriptionist. MLA. Initiated into Prince Albert Lodge No 248 UGLQLD.


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Famous Freemasons; Australian State Premiers – South Australia

·   Boyle Travers Finniss (1807-1893), soldier, surveyor and distinguished public servant. 1st SA Premier Initiated SA Lodge of Friendship in 1838 MLA MLC.

·   Sir Richard Davies Hanson (1805-1876) , solicitor founding member of the South Australian Literary Society in August 1834, initiated Lodge of Friendship in 1834 . 4th Premier (1857-1860) South Australia, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (from 1861) and as acting Governor (1872-1873). Hanson St & Road Adelaide are named after him . Lodge of Friendship SAC

·   Sir John Hart CMG (1809-1873), SC Provincial Grand Master SA 10th Premier of South Australia three times, MLA MLC Hart's Mill (1855) and the Adelaide Milling Company flour mill (c.1890) are prominent landmarks adjacent to the southern wharf of the Inner Harbour at Port Adelaide

·   Justice Sir James Penn Boucaut KCMG QC (1831-1916) Politician and Judge. MLA. 11th Premier South of Australia, Premier three times. Federationalist Member Lodge of Friendship SAC

·   Sir John Alexander Cockburn KCMG (1850-1929), 18th Premier of South Australia, Federationalist and medical practitioner Helped establish the Grand Lodge of South Australia and served in several high offices within it Initiated Friendship Lodge No 423 South Australian 1876

·   John Greeley Jenkins (1851-1923), 22nd Premier of South Australia

·   Thomas Price (1852-1909), 24th Premier of South Australia, reformist, trade unionist

·   Archibald Henry Peake (1859-1920), 25th Premier of South Australia

·   Robert Stanley “Bob” Richards (1885-1967), 32nd Premier of South Australia.

·   Sir Thomas Playford IV GCMG (1896-1981), 33rd Premier of South Australia (not to be confused with Thomas Playford II (1837-1915) who was also a Premier of South Australia and grandfather of Sir Thomas Playford IV ) Premier of South Australia from 5 November 1938 to 10 March 1965, the longest term of any elected government leader in the history of Australia

·   Rev Lynn Maurice Ferguson Arnold AO (1949-) Anglican Priest and former politician. 40th Premier of South Australia (1992-1993). State Government Minister. CEO World Vision Australia (1997-2003). Chair Don Dunstan Foundation (2010-2020) and Patron. Chairman Freemasons Foundation SA.



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Famous Freemasons; Australian State Premiers – Tasmania

·   Sir Adye Douglas (1815-1906), lawyer and politician. 15th Premier Tasmania (1884 - 1886), MLA MLC, one of the founders of the Anti-Transportation League. Federationalist; delegate to the federal conventions in 1891 and 1897-98. Elected to the first Launceston Municipal Council (1852), Launceston Mayor in 1865-66 and 1880-82. Founding Junior Warden of St John’s Lodge Launceston in 1843, later its Worshipful Master Initiated 1835

·   Sir Edward Nicholas Coventry “Ned” Braddon, PC KCMG (1829-1904) 18th Premier of Tasmania , politician, federationalist, free-trade supporter, wrote “Life in India” & “Thirty Years of Shikar”, represented Tasmania on Federal Council 1888, Constitutional Convention 1897 and was responsible for the “Braddon Clause” in the Const. of Australia, elected to the First Federal Parliament of Australia, at 72, oldest elected member of MLA. Suburb of Braddon Canberra and Division Braddon are named for him. Initiated Lodge of Peace No 7 TC in 1880, twice Past Master of that Lodge (1897&98)

·   Sir Neil Elliott Lewis KCMG (1858-1935), lawyer and 19th Premier of Tasmanian three times. MLA. Attorney-General . Federationalist. Lieutenant-Governor of Tasmania 1933-35. Chancellor of the University of Tasmania 1924-33

·   Sir John William Evans CMG (1855-1943), seaman, businessman and politician, 21st Premier of Tasmania


Famous Freemasons; Australian State Premiers – Victoria

·   Dr William Clark Haines (1810-1866), surgeon and politician. 1st Premier of Victoria. Magistrate, trustee of the Port Phillip Savings Bank, anti-temperance, helped draft Victorian Constitution, colonial Secretary, Melbourne University Vice-Chancellor in 1857-58. Provincial Grand Master SC. MLA MLC

·       Sir James Brown Patterson KCMG (1833-1895), butcher, real estate agent & auctioneer, politician, 17th Victorian Premier 2nd Grand Master of Grand Lodge Victoria (GLV)1886-88 . Mayor of Chewton, MLA

·   Sir George Turner KCMG (1851-1916) Privy Councilor , Victoria's first Australian-born Premier of Victoria (18th) Commonwealth Treasurer & Minister , Mayor of St Kilda 1887-88. Founding member ANA. Introduced income tax (1894) Initiated 1882 at The Brighton District Lodge No37

·   Sir Alexander James Peacock KCMG (1861-1933), 20th Premier of Victoria and member of fourteen ministries. Grand Master (1900-05) of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria (UGLV). Foundation member UGLV as member Creswick Havilah Lodge No 26 UGLV

·   William Alexander Watt (1871-1946) politician, 24th Premier of Victoria, Acting Prime Minister post WW1. Initiated North Melbourne Lodge UGLV 2 Dec 1901, Master that Lodge 4 June 1906, resigned 6 June 1921.

·   Sir Harry Sutherland Wightman Lawson KMCG (1875-1952), 27th Premier of Victoria 1918-1924, politician and lawyer. MLA MLC. Initiated Mount Alexander Lodge No 8 UGLV on 11 Dec 1922. Foundation SW (23 Nov 1925) Old Scotch Collegians Lodge No 396 UGLV and Installed as Master that Lodge 25 Oct 1926. Resigned 30 Oct 1951

·   Sir Henry Edward Bolte GCMG (1908-1990), was the 38th and longest serving Premier of Victoria. Initiated into Lodge Meredith No 163 UGLV 9 October 1946,


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Famous Freemasons; Australian State Premiers – Western Australia

·   Major General Sir Newton James Moore KCMG(1870-1936), 8th Premier of Western Australia, soldier and businessman, President of the Western Australian Municipal Association in 1904

·   John Scaddan CMG (1876-1934) mine-engine driver, MLA. Known as “Happy Jack” 10th Western Australian Premier Youngest WA Premier The town Scaddan is named after him.

·   Sir Charles Court AK, KCMG, OBE (1911 –2007), 21st Western Australian Premier Past Master Lathom Lodge .



Famous Freemasons; Australian & State Governors

·   Lachlan Macquarie (1762-1824), Governor of NSW “Served as the last autocratic Governor of NSW (1810 to 1821) and played a leading role in the social, economic and architectural development of the colony” . Initiated 16 January 1793 at Bombay, India in Lodge No 1

·   Sir Isaac Alfred Isaacs (1855–1948), Governor-General, Attorney-General, High Court Judge and politician. Elected to the first Federal Parliament of Australia. Initiated Antrim No 349 IC, member of Australia Felix, first Grand Register(1889-1890) of UGLV

·   Sir Ernest Clark GCMG KCB CBE (1864-1951), lawyer, taxation inspector, company director, Chief Scout in Tasmania, Governor of Tasmania 1933-45. Grand Master Tasmania 1935-37. Initiated 18 Nov 1890 in St Peter’s Lodge 476 EC (in Wales). Invested as Grand Master when a MM, but soon becoming a Past Master of Tasmanian Operative Lodge No 1 GLTas

·   Sir Frederick Napier Broome KCMG (1842-1896) Governor of Western Australia 1882-89 The town of Broome in Western Australia is named for him

·   Lord Huntingfield, William Charles Arcedeckne KCMG (1883-1969), Governor of Victoria (1931-1939). 14th Grand Master UGLV 1935-1939 Grand Master when Freemasons Hospital East Melbourne Opened. Initiated United Lodge No. 1629 EC

·   Sir Robert William Duff GCMG, PC (1835-1895), Governor of NSW (1893-1895), 3rd Grand Master of UGLNSW,

·   Air Vice Marshal Sir Robert Allingham George KCMG, KCVO, KBE, CB, MC (1896-1967) South Australian Governor 1953-60 Grand Master South Australia 1956-1958

·   Major-General Sir Reginald Alexander Dallas Brooks KCB CMG DSO KStJ KCVO KCMG (1896-1966), Governor of Victoria, 19th Grand Master UGLV 1951-1963 . Victoria's longest serving Governor and Masonic Grand Master “was possibly the most popular Governor in Victoria's history”. Initiated in the Clarke Lodge No. 98 on 6 February 1950 Dallas Brooks Hall 300 Albert St East Melb was named after him

·   Major General Sir John Charles Hoad KCMG (1856-1911) soldier & distinguished staff officer. First Australian to be appointed head of Commonwealth Military Forces. Assistant adjutant general at Victorian Headquarters (1895). During the Boer War, commanded 1st Australian Regiment (Cape Town 1899). Attached to the Japanese Army as an observer, Russo-Japanese War in Manchuria and received the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, 3rd class, and the Japanese War Medal. Foundation Chief of the Australian section of the staff Imperial General Staff. Accompanied Field Marshal Lord Kitchener on inspection of Australia's land defences (1909-10). Initiated Windsor Lodge No 72 (UGLV) on 22 Nov 1894, Master of that Lodge 1902

·   Lieutenant-General Sir John Northcott KCMG, CB, MVO, KStJ (1890-1966). NSW State Governor (1946-1957) & 20th Grand Master UGLNSW (1952-55). Wounded at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. Commanded BCOF (Japan) )

·   Lord Somers, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Herbert Tennyson Somers-Cocks KCMG, DSO, MC (1887-1944), Governor of Victoria, 12th Grand Master Victoria 1927-1932 . Fourteenth First Grand Principal Holy Royal Arch Victoria. Chief Scout of Victoria and succeeded Baden-Powell as Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth Foundation member Baden Powell Lodge No 488 (UGLV). Initiated Household Brigade Lodge

·   George Edward John Mowbray Rous, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke KCMG CB CVO CBE ADC TD (1862-1947) Soldier & Governor of Victoria 1921-26 Initiated Lodge of Prudence No. 388 10th Grand Master UGLV 1922-1929

·       Lord Stonehaven, Major-General Michael Jeffery PC GCMG DSO, Governor General 1925-1930, Grand Master UGLNSW (1928-30)

·       Major-General Michael Jeffery AC, CVO, MC.(1937-2020), Governor General of Western Australia 1993 –2002 and then Australia 2003–2008, Former CO of SAS Regiment (Australia). Chief Scout of Australia, Initiated in St George’s Lodge No 6 on 23 November 1994, , member Lodge of St John No 1 WAC

·   Sir Samuel J Way (1836-1916), South Australian Lt Governor, Grand Master South Australia 1884-

·   Sir Charles Malcolm Barclay-Harvey (1890-1969), South Australian Governor , Grand Master South Australia 1941-1943 95th Grand Master Mason of Scotland (1949-54) initiated in Apollo University Lodge No 357 (E.C.) in 1908

·   Sir William Ellison-Macartney KCMG (1852-1924) Governor of Tasmania 1912-1917 , Governor of Western Australia 1917-1920 . Grand Master WA 1918-?, Grand Master Tasmania Initiated Apollo University Lodge No 357 EC on 6 June 1872

·   Sir Eric Neal (1924-) AC CVO South Australian Governor 1996-2001 , Chair Wespac

·       Sir Alan James Mansfield KCMG KCVO KStJ (1902-1980) Chief Justice, Governor of Queensland 1966-1972 Chief Australian Prosecutor 1946-47 at the trials of war criminals in Tokyo, Chancellor The University of Queensland 1966-76, Grand Master QLD

·   Frederic John Napier Thesiger, 1st Viscount Chelmsford GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, GBE, PC (1868 - 1933) British statesman served as Governor of Queensland 1905–1909, Governor of NSW (1909 -1913). Viceroy of India. 8th Grand Master of UGLNSW (1910-1913). Initiated 1 June 1898 in Lodge of Amity No 137 EC

·   Sir Gerard Smith KCMG (1839-1920), Governor of Western Australia (1895-1900) First Grand Master of Western Australia Grand Lodge. Initiated into Freemasonry on 4 May 1880 in the United Studholme Alliance Lodge No. 1591 EC

·   Lord Kintore, Algernon Hawkins Thomond Keith-Falconer (1852- 1930) Governor of South Australia and Grand Master South Australia 1889-1895

·   Lord Carrington, Charles Robert Carrington (Charles Robert Wynn-Carington) KG GCMG PC DL JP (1843-1928) 1st Marquess of Lincolnshire, Governor, British Liberal politician and aristocrat. known as the Lord Carrington from (1868 -1895), and Earl Carrington (1895-1912). Governor of NSW (1885-1890). Prominent Freemason; UGLE District Grand Master NSW (1888-90) and united the four separated Grand Lodges to form UGLNSW. First Grand Master UGLNSW (1888–1891). Initiated 28 October 1861 in Sir Isaac Newton Lodge No. 859 (EC)

·   Sir Thomas Mellis Napier KCMG (1882-1976) Judge, Lieutenant Governor 1942-73 Grand Master of South Australia 1928-1930

·   Admiral Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson GCB GCMG (1843-1910), Governor of NSW 1902-1909. “He promoted 'the ultimate formation of a separate navy' for Australia”. 6th Grand Master of United Grand Lodge of New South Wales (1905-09). Initiated in Royal Sussex Lodge No. 501 EC in November 1863

·   Lord Brassey. Thomas Brassey KCB (1836-1916), first Governor of Victoria to be elected Grand Master 1896-1900 , help found Volunteer Naval Reserves. Initiated Oxford University Lodge 1850. In Melbourne he joined the Clarke Lodge No. 98

·   Lieutenant-General Sir John Goodwin KCB, KCMG, DSO, Queensland Governor 1927-32 and Queensland Grand Master1931-32.

·   Lord Gowrie, Brigadier General Sir Alexander Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruthven VC DSO and Bar (1872-1955) Victoria Cross Winner, and Australia's longest serving Governor-General. 15th Grand Master UGLNSW. Initiated into Freemasonry at Lodge St Andrews Military Lodge No 668 on 15 March 1893.

·   Sir Leslie Orme Wilson DSO GCIE GCSI. (1876-1955), Governor 1932-1946 and Grand Master of Queensland 1934-1946. Governor of Bombay 1923-28. Initiated in Lodge Ionic No. 65 NSWC on 17 January 1904

·       Sir Victor Albert George Child-Villiers, 7th Earl of Jersey GCB, GCMG, PC, DL, JP (1845-1915), Governor of NSW, 2nd Grand Master UGLNSW (1891-1893) Initiated into Apollo University Lodge No 357 EC, on 25 October 1865 affiliated with Lodge Ionic No. 65 NSWC

·   General Sir Charles Gairdner GBE, KCMG, KCVO, CB (1898–1983) Governor of Western Australia in 1951-63, Governor of Tasmania 1963-68. Initiated in Shamrock Lodge No. 101 IC Grand Master

·   Lord Carmichael, Thomas Gibson Carmichael GCSI KCMG (1859-1926) Governor Victoria 1908-11 Governor of Madras , India, Governor of Bengal . Grand Master of Scotland (1908). Grand Master UGLV 1909-1912 . Initiated 1895 in Lodge Dramatic and Arts No. 757 SC

·   Sir Douglas Nicholls KCVO, OBE (1906-1988), Governor of South Australia and prominent Indigenous Australian, pioneering reconciliation. First Australian Aboriginal to be knighted and first to serve in vice regal office. In 1934, 3rd in Brownlow count 1935 first Aboriginal selected Victorian Interstate Team. Initiated Lodge Antioch No 570 UGLV on 4 Oct 1954.

·   Sir George Cumine Strahan KCMG. (1838-1887), Governor of Tasmania .

·   Sir Ronald Hibbert Cross KCMG (1896-1968), British Parliamentarian. British High Commissioner to Australia 1941. Governor of Tasmania 1951 Initiated in Fidelity Lodge No. 63, Tasmania, in 1953 while serving as Governor.

·   Lieutenant-Colonel George James Molle (1773-1823), soldier and Lieutenant-Governor NSW, commander 46th Regiment in February, 1814 Sydney Took part in the first public Masonic ceremony in Australia, at the laying of the foundation stone of Captain John Piper's new house on what is now Point Piper Lodge of Social and Military Virtues in late 1816.

·   Hercules George Robert Robinson, 1st Baron Rosmead GCMG PC (1824-1887), was a British colonial administrator who became the 5th Governor of Hong Kong and subsequently, the 14th Governor of New South Wales

·   Col James Erskine CB (1765-1825) fought at the Battle of Vinegar Hill (Ireland) in June 1798. Lieutenant-Governor Port Jackson & NSW. Presented silver trowel to Australian Social Lodge No 260 IC

·   John Hutt (1795-1880) Governor of Western Australia Presided over first Masonic Meeting in WA Foundation Master of Lodge of Saint John No 712 EC first Lodge in WA Persuaded first Freemason (Francis Lochée (1811-1893) to be initiated in Western Australian Colony.

·   Lieutenant-General Sir John Lavarack, Grand Master QLD Governor of Queensland from 1946-1957.

·   Sir Charles du Cane KCMG (1825–1889), Politician, Public Servant and Governor. Governor of Tasmania 1868-1874

·   Sir George Grey KCB (1812-1898), explorer of Australia, writer, Governor, politician. Named Glenelg River, Stephen Range, Mt Lyell. 3rd Governor South Australia 1841-5, twice Governor New Zealand 1845-1853 & 1861-68, Governor of Cape Colony (South Africa) 1854-61, 11th Premier New Zealand 1877-79. Member Friendship Lodge SAC.

·   Charles Wallace Alexander Napier Cochrane-Ballie, 2nd Baron Lamington, GCMG GCIE, (1860-1940) politician and Governor of Queensland 1896-1901 & Bombay 1903-1907. Lamington's name is remembered in Australia by place names, particularly the Lamington Plateau in Queensland and Mount Lamington in Papua-New Guinea. It is claimed that a cake covered in chocolate and coconut is named after him. Initiated 2 Nov 1903 Lodge Biggar Free Operative No 167 SC, District Grand Master SC India 1904-1908

·   Field Marshal Sir Henry Wylie Norman GCB GCMG (1826-1904), soldier, governor and agent-general. Aide-de-camp to the Queen Victoria 1863-69. Governor of Jamaica 1883, Governor of Queensland 1888-95. Initiated 15 September 1851 in Khyber Lodge No 582 EC in India Not an active Freemason

·   Sir William Portus Cullen, KC, KCMG (1855-1935). Chief Justice and politician. Chancellor, University of Sydney (1913-1934), Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales (1910-1930), and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales (1910-1925). Federationalist. MLA MLC


NOTE – Two Governors not noted above appear in the Premiers lists while several others appear elsewhere, their achievements as Governors being secondary.



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Famous Australian Freemasons; Australians of the Year ..

·   Major General Alan Bishop Stretton AO CBE (DSO Vietnamese) (1922-2012), Army Officer, Australian of the Year 1975. Best known for efforts following Cyclone Tracy, Christmas Day 1974. In 1975, Stretton was named Australian of the Year as well as Father of the Year. Initiated Paralled Lodge No 489 (UGLV) on 26 June 1947

·   Sir Edward “Weary” Dunlop, Australian of the Year 1976 (see military men section for footnotes)


Famous Australian Freemasons; Australian (and Foreign) Explorers

·   Captain Matthew Flinders (1774-1814), explorer

·   Hamilton Hume (1797-1873) first Australian explorer to be born here. Initiated at Leinster Marine Lodge of Australia No 266 IC on 12 Sept 1825.

·   William Wentworth (1790-1872) explorer, poet, journalist and politician. Member Lodge Amis Incorruptibles of Orient de Paris in 1818. Member The Lodge of Australia No 3`

·   Lieutenant John Oxley (1783-1828) RN explorer . Surveyor-General . Initiated Lodge of Social and Military Virtues No 277 IC on 6 March 1817.

·   John McDouall Stuart (1815-1866) explorer. Initiated into the Lodge of Truth No.933 E.C. North Adelaide on 1 August 1859 . Stuart claimed he recognised a Masonic greeting when he encountered a party of traditional owners in northern Australia .

·   Charles Henry Karius (1893-1940) Explorer and Magistrate in PNG. Found the source of the Fly and Strickland Rivers, & headwaters of the Sepik River. Initiated New Guinea Lodge No 292 UGLQ on 29 Nov 1926,

·   Sir Joseph Banks KB PC (1743-1820) "Father of Australia", botanist . Believed to be the first Freemason to set foot in Australia with CPT Cook on HMAS Endevour 1770. Member Inverness Lodge, No. 4 Member Waltham Lodge No 279 until his death

·   Sir Augustus Charles Gregory KCMG (1819-1905) Explorer Surveyor-General of Queensland, found coal in Western Australia . MLC. First English District Grand Master in QLD. Initiated Samaritan Lodge No 575 EC in Sydney in 1855.

·   Inspector-General Belgrave Edward Sutton Ninnis CVO (1837 – 1922) Royal Navy Surgeon, surveyor, Arctic explorer, and leading Freemason. Served as part of a surveying expedition to the Northern Territory of South Australia, helping to chart the area to the west of the Adelaide River and returning biological specimens to Adelaide for study. Initiated 1872 in Zetland Lodge No 515 Malta Died by accident Antarctica in December 1912 aged 25 years.

·   Charles Archibald Brookes Hoadley CBE (1887-1947), explorer, educationist and scout leader. Member Australasian Antarctic Exploration Expedition led by Douglas Mawson (1911-1913). Chief Commissioner Victorian Boy Scout Association (1928-1937). Awarded the King's Polar Medal (1915), Order of the Silver Wolf (1931). First Principal Footscray Technical School. Foundation Member Baden Powell Lodge No 488. WM 1922 at Footscray Wisdom No 239. Foundation Secretary Wyndham Lodge No 239 (all UGLV). Cape Hoadley in Antarctica and Hoadley Memorial Lodge No 669 (1951) UGLV named after him. Initiated 1 May1915 in Lodge Orion No 55 UGLV

·   Arthur Todd Holroyd MD, MB, FZS, FLS, FRGS (1806-1887), physician, explorer and jurist. Fellow, Zoological Society of London. First European to cross the Bayuda desert to Khartoum and the first Englishman to visit Kordofan. Fellow Royal Geographical Society. MLC MLA. First Mayor municipality of Prospect and Sherwood (now Holroyd). District Grand Master of the English constitution (1867-77)

·   Albert Frederick Calvert (1872-1946), author, explorer, traveler and mining engineer. Initiated 1893. “..ended his writing career as an unreliable chronicler of Masonic history”

·   Edmund Albert Colson (1881-1950), explorer and bushman. “..understood the rites, customs and dialects of several Aboriginal tribes”. Crossed of the Simpson Desert accompanied by Eringa Peter of the Antakurinya tribe (1936)

·   Michael Terry (1899–1981), explorer and author. In 1923 he and his companion Richard Yockney drove from Winton, Queensland, to Broome, Western Australia, in a 1913 T-model Ford



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Famous Australian Freemasons; Military Men – Victoria Cross Recipients

The Victoria Cross is the highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. In Australia, the Victoria Cross for Australia has replaced it and was created by letters patent signed by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, on 15 January 1991. Both awards entitle the recipient to the post nominal "V.C.". Since established in 1856 and first awarded in 1857, 1,358 VCs have been gazetted over the entire British Empire. By comparison the American Medal of Honor was first awarded in 1863 and has been awarded 3,517 times. The military ranks recorded below are the final rank achieved and not held at the time the VC was awarded. You do not “win” a VC, you are awarded it, yet “winner” in used below in consideration of google searches.


·   Lord Gowrie, Brigadier-General Sir Alexander Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruthven VC PC GCMG CB DSO and Bar (1872-1955) Victoria Cross Winner, and Australia's longest serving Governor-General (see Governor General Section above)

·   Lt William Dunstan VC (1895–1957), Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated St John's Lodge No 36 (UGLV) on 13 July 1916, resigned July 2020. Joined Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (UGLV) 12 Jan 1922, resigned 12 Aug 1926.

·   John Hutton Bisdee VC (1869-1930), first Australian soldier to be awarded the Victoria Cross (in Boer War, South Africa). Initiated Lodge Bulwer No 1068 England on 6 Jan 1917

·   Major General Neville R Howse VC, KCB, KCMG (1863-1930), surgeon & soldier, politician first Victoria Cross Winner in Australian Services and only medical member of the Australian Forces to be awarded the VC. MLA Initiated Lodge Ophir on 29 Aug 1901 , Master of that Lodge in 1909

·   Captain Albert Jacka, VC, MC & Bar (1893-1932) Australia’s first WW1 VC. Initiated in Caledonian Lodge No 113 UGLV on 12 Jan 1922.

·   Corporal John Hurst “Jack” Edmondson (1914-1941) Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated into Lodge Liverpool No 197 on 3 April 1935. First Australian VC of WW2, KIA Siege of Tobruk. ,

·   Brigadier Arthur Blackburn VC CMG CBE ED (1892-1960), soldier, lawyer, politician, Victoria Cross Winner. Landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. MLA. Initiated Peter's Collegiate Lodge No 58 South Australia on 9 Dec 1918.

·   Gunner Walter Ernest “Wally” Brown VC DCM (1885-1942) Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated Lodge Godeldrie No 558 on 7 April 1931.

·   Private George Cartwright VC (1894-1978) Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated Lodge Merrylands No 479 on 1 Nov 1923.

·   Private William Matthew Currey VC (1895-1948) Victoria Cross Winner. MLA. Initiated into Lodge Carlton No 382 on 11 March 1930.

·   Private James Hannah (Heather) “Jim” Gordon VC (1907-1986) Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated at Lodge United Service No 307 WA on 2 April 1959

·   Major Blair Anderson Wark VC DSO (1894-1941) army officer and quantity surveyor, Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated at Lodge Lane Cove No 338 on 8 Nov 1921

·   Seaman James Gorman VC (1834-1882) Victoria Cross Winner initiated at The Leinster Marine Lodge of Australia in 1878.

·   Sergeant John Woods Whittle VC DCM (1882-1946) Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated at Lodge Sydney St Andrew no 7 on 1 Nov 1923

·   Lieutenant James Rogers VC (1873-1961). Soldier and farmer. Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated at Lodge Robbie Burns No 88 UGLV on 11 Nov 1913

·   Captain Hugo Vivian Hope Throssell VC (1884-1933) soldier and farmer. Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated at Lodge Bulwer No 1068 UGLE on 15 June 1917

·   Lieutenant-Colonel William Donovan Joynt VC (1889-1986) soldier, printer and publisher. Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated at Old Melbournians Lodge No 317 UGLV on 12 Oct 1923. Also joined Berwick Lodge No 359 in 1924, excluded No 359 on 30 Sept 1928, lifted 16 Dec 1954 and joined Bolton Memorial Lodge No 758 on 12 Feb 1955. Lodge

·   Corporal George Julian “Snowy” Howell VC MM (1893-1964) Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated into Freemasonry on 2 Dec 1920.

·   Major Frederick Harold Tubb VC (1881 - 1917) Victoria Cross Winner. Initiated Euroa Lodge No 185 UGLV on 10 Feb 1914,

·   Lieutenant-Colonel William John Symons VC (1889-1948), soldier and businessman. Initiated Windsor Lodge No 72 UGLV on 27 April 1916. Excluded 25 Feb 1921, exclusion removed Sept 1922. Changed his surname after the war to “Penn-Symons”

·   Lieutenant William "Rusty" Ruthven, VC (1893 –1970). MLA. Elected Collingwood Council in 1931 and was Mayor (1945-46). Official timekeeper for the Collingwood Football Club. MLA 1945–61. Foundation member Legion of Honour Lodge No 622 on 2nd September 1947 (resigned that Lodge 30 June 1964). Initiated in Clifton Hill Lodge No 335 UGLV on 2 June 1932 (resigned that Lodge 3 Nov 1955) Clifton Hill Lodge was renumbered after merger.

·   Captain Albert Chalmers Borella, VC, MM (1881 –1968). soldier and farmer. Changed his name to Chalmers-Borella in Sept 1939. Initiated Lodge Grange No 45 UGLV in July 1925

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Dalziel (1893-1965), soldier, locomotive fireman and farmer – the 1,000th receipting of the Victoria Cross Connaught Lodge No 335. Initiated 4th September 1919 at Atherton, Queensland

·   William Napier VC (1828 – 1908). Born in England, his Victoria Cross was gazetted in 1858 for actions at Azamgarh in India. Arrived in Australia January 1863, buried at Bendigo Victoria. Initiated in St John's of Rochester Lodge N 1882 EC in Bendigo and became that Lodge’s Secretary.

·        Corporal Cameron Baird VC MG (1981-2013) Initiated 23 Sept 2006 Lodge Thespian No 256 UGLNSW&ACT



Famous Australian Freemasons; Military Men of Rank or Note

·   Col Dr Sir Ernest Edward “Weary” Dunlop AC, CMG, OBE (1907-1993) War Hero & Doctor WW2 Japanese POW, Changi Railway - saved hundreds including Sir William Clavel (author of Shogun) Initiated in Lodge Liberation, No 674 in 1954 UGLV

·   Major-General Harold Edward "Pompey" Elliott CB, CMG, DSO, DCM, VD (1878–1931), a legend among 1st AIF soldiers, and later a Senator for Victoria Member Victorian Naval and Military Lodge 49 (Likely initiated in Corinthian Lodge No 68, Egypt, date unknown, but joined Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 on 8 July 1920)

·   Air Chief Marshal Sir Frederick Rudolph William Scherger KBE, CB, DSO, AFC (1904-1984), air force officer, airline commissioner and company chairman. Australians highest known Military ranking Freemason. He served as Chief of the Air Staff, the RAAF's highest-ranking position (1957 – 1961) and as Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (1961 -1966), forerunner of the role of Australia's Chief of the Defense Force. He was the first RAAF officer to hold the rank of Air Chief Marshal (the equivalent of 4 Stars). Initiated 21 May 1929 in Adastral Lodge No 397 UGLV, WM Adastral Lodge No. 397 (1939-1945). Member Lodge of the Golden Fleece No 300 UGLV 1950-1962. MMM of Werribee Mark Lodge No.98

·   Air Vice Marshal Stanley James “Jimmy” Goble, CBE, DSO, DSC, CdeG, (1891 – 1948) “a senior commander in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)”. Served three terms as Chief of the Air Staff, alternating with Wing Commander (later Air Marshal Sir) Richard Williams. Goble came to national attention in 1924 when he and fellow RAAF pilot Ivor McIntyre became the first men to circumnavigate Australia by air, journeying 8,450 miles (13,600 km) in a single-engine floatplane. Member Rechab No 224 UGLV

·   Air Vice Marshal Joseph Eric “Joe” Hewitt CBE (1901-1985). RAAF Officer. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff in 1941. Commanded No.9 (Operational) Group in the New Guinea area (1943), the largest and most important operational command in the RAAF, praised but sacked less than a year later over alleged morale and disciplinary issues. Responsible for demobilisation of RAAF post WW2, and the development of a postwar professional air force – his restructuring of education and training is favourably viewed. Lodge Adastral No 397 UGLV on 25 May 1926. Resigned 30 June 1938. Affiliated Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge No 396 (ULGV) on 3 Oct 1956, resigned 31 Oct 1974.

·   Major-General Sir Frederick Gallagher “Black Jack” Galleghan DSO OBE ISO ED (1897-1971), army officer and public servant, WW1 & WW2, Battalion Commander, POW in Changi Prison Camp. Initiated 20 August 1919 in Lodge St John No 115 NSWC

·   Major-General Dr Frederick Arthur Maguire CMG DSO VD KStj MD (1888 – 1953) soldier and surgeon. Commanding officer Australian Army Medical Corps, 3rd Division 1918-20. Alderman Sydney Council. Grand Master NSW 1933-35 & 1944-5. Initiated June 1920 in Lodge of Australia No 3 NSW

·   Major-General Raymond Sharp AO RFD ED (1929-?) reservist (full time) army officer, Commander of the 2nd Infantry Division, WM Lodge Penshurst No 859 (1957-58), member Army & Navy No 517, Lodge Oatley 381

·   Major-General Sir George Frederick Wootten KBE, DSO and Bar, DSC (USA), E.D. (1893 – 1970). Distinguished Soldier, Solicitor and Administer. Landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. Division Commander. Brigade Commander at Tobruk (1941). Accepted the surrender of the Japanese 37th Army in Borneo. Chair Repatriation Commission 1945-58. Initiated in Lodge Combermere No.752 E.C (Melbourne) on 18/8/21 & affiliated Lodge Bland. (15/8/28) GL NSW

·   Air-Commodore Colin Rex “Rex” Taylor CBE (1914-?), John Knox Lodge Initiated Lodge Adastral No 397 UGLV in 1947

·   Air-Commodore Arthur Henry “Harry” Cobby CBE DSO DFC (two Bars) GM (1894-1955) , Leading fighter ace of the Australian Flying Corps during World War 1. Cobby shot down 29 aircraft and 13 balloons between February and September 1918, and was the leading A.F.C. ace. United States of America Medal of Freedom with bronze palm, for meritorious wartime service. Member Peace Commemoration Lodge 519 UGLV at time of death. Initiated in Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 UGLV 1916 and was Master of Adastral No 397 UGLV 1932-33 and was PSGD.

·   Air-Commodore Jack Napier Davenport AC DSO GM DFC and bar (1920-1996), pilot, flying ace, Commanding Officer 455 Squadron, businessman, Managing Director Monier Ltd, Deputy Chair Reserve Bank Australia, Director Alcoa, Qantas and many other companies. Initiated 13 July 1951 in Lodge Sydney High School No 631 UGLNSW and died a Freemason

·   Air-Commodore William Henry “Bull” “Bill” Garing CBE DFC MID DSC (USA) (1910-2004) PJGW GL NSW&ACT. received the Distinguished Flying Cross after he held off three waves of German bombers, over 12 hours, that were attacking the Armed Merchant Cruiser Mooltan on 31 July 1940. Initiated Lodge Adastral No 597 (UGLV) 16 Aug 1932 aged 21. Member Gippsland No 51 (UGLV) 1944-62

·   Air-Commodore Jack Dowling CBE AFC (1916-1992?). Commanded 458 Squadron Nth Africa. Commander RAAF Forces Vietnam. Initiated Gippsland Lodge No 51 (UGLV) on 2 March 1949, resigned 5 June 1985

·   Major-General Sir Robert Joseph Henry Risson CB, CBE, DSO, OStJ, ED (1901-1992). Chairman Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board . 25th Grand Master of the UGLV 1974 - 1976 chief commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association 1958-1963 Initiated Baden Powell Lodge No 488 (UGLV) 24 July 1961, member several other Lodges in UGLV including 478, 831,855

·   Major-General Francis Eric “Frank” Poke AO, RFD ED (1923-2018) Grand Master UGLV 1991-1993. Initiated Poulett Lodge No. 18 (GLTas) on 5 Nov 1953 & member United Service Lodge No 330 (UGLV) from 1972.

·   Major-General Sir Alan Hollick Ramsay CB CBE DSO ED (1895-1973) soldier and teacher. WW1 & WW2. Initiated 6 Oct 1925 in Aberfeldie Lodge 309 UGLV

·   Major-General Roy Kendall CBE MID (1887-1963) 1st AIF Fought in WW1 and WW2. Fought on Kododa Track where he was head of signals. Commanded Corps Signals in Middle East and Greece. Director of Recruiting (1954). Initiated in NSW (either Unity 32 and Lodge Imperial No 579), joined Army Lodge No 478 (UGLV) on

·   Major-General George Alan Vasey aka” 'Bloody George” CB CBE DSO and Bar (1895-1945) soldier. Also held Greek Military Cross (1944) & United States' Distinguished Service Cross (1944). Division Commander. A commanding officer Middle East, Crete, Papua, New Guinea including on the Kokoda Trail. Initiated 10 Oct 1927 in Wesley Collegians Lodge No 358 UGLV, affiliating with several others in other Constitutions but remained a member of 358 until his death.

·   Major-General John Keatly Forsyth CMG (1867-1928) commander Fourth Light Horse Regiment Arrived Gallipoli May 1914

·   Major-General Sir Charles “Rosie” Rosenthal KCB CMG DSO VD (1875-1954) architect, soldier and musician MLA MLC. Designed St Andrew's, Lismore, St Laurence's, Barraba, and Holy Trinity, Dulwich Hill, Sydney Anglican Churches. One of founders Aerial League of Australia in 1909. Fought at Gallipoli, twice wounded. Division Commander. awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre (1917), the French Croix de Guerre (1918) and the Légion d'honneur (1919). Administrator of Norfolk Island 1937-45.

·   Major-General Robert Edward Jackson CMG DSO (1886-1948) Served at Gallipoli to WW2. Member Army Lodge No 478 UGLV

·   Major-General Arthur Gillespie Wilson DSO CBE (1897-1981) Member Army Lodge No 478 UGLV

·   Major-General Ronald Eustace Wade CB CBE (1924-1995) Adjutant General. Initiated in Army Lodge No 478 in 1940.

·   Major-General Thomas Henry Dodds CMG CVO DSO (1873-1943) Victorian Naval and Military Lodge 49 UGLV . Deputy Adjutant General in France to AIF. Hawthorn City Councilor, Honorary Federal Treasurer of RSL.

·   Major-General (CMF) John Rowlstone Stevenson DSO CBE (1908-1971), parliamentary officer and soldier. Battalion & Brigade Commander. Served on the Kokoda Track. Accepted the surrender of the Japanese forces on Nauru and Ocean islands

·   Major-General Sir Thomas William “Bill” Glasgow KCB, CMG, DSO, VD (1876 – 1955), soldier, politician & diplomat. General Glasgow Lodge No 267 UGLQ is named in his honour. Landed at Gallipoli on 12 May 1915. Led the Anzac Day parade in Brisbane for twenty years. Australia's first High Commissioner to Canada. Given a State Funeral. MLC . Member AIF Memorial Lodge No 289. Member Lord Dufferin Lodge No 48 UGLQ and was Master in 1913/14.

·   Chap-General Rev Albert Thomas Holden CBE (1866-1935) , 7th Grand Master UGLV 1912-1914 . Leader in the Methodist Church . Initiated Grange Lodge 27 Sept 1898 Holden Masonic Research Circle in named in his honour.

·   Lieutenant-General Sir Carl Jess CB, CMG, CBE, DSO (1884-1948)

·   Lieutenant-General Sir Leslie Morshead KCB, KBE, CMG, DSO, ED Legion of Honour (France) (1889-1959), WW1 & WW2 Soldier, Gallipoli & France (1915-18), Commander Rats of Tobruk and New Guinea and Borneo Campaigns Initiated Lodge No 195 on 23 March 1921, Lodge Army and Navy No 517

·   Lieutenant-General Henry Gordon Bennett CB, CMG, DSO, VD (1887 – 1962). Served in both WW1 and WW2. Despite highly decorated achievements during WW 1, during which he commanded at both battalion and brigade level and became the youngest general in the Australian Army, Bennett is best remembered for the Battle of Singapore in February 1942. As commander of the 8th Australian Division, he escaped while his men became prisoners of the Imperial Japanese Army. He never again commanded troops in battle. In 1945, his escape caused controversy and resulted in a Royal Commission, which found that he had been unjustified in relinquishing his command. Member Austral Temple Lodge No 110

·   Brigadier The Hon Murray William James Bourchier CMG, DSO, VD, MLA (1881-1937) grazier, soldier and politician, led his Regiment, the 4th Australian Light Horse, in the Charge at Beersheba Initiated Rupertswood Lodge No 104 UGLV 1908

·   Lieutenant-General Sir Frank Horton Berryman, KCVO, CB, CBE, DSO (1894-1981) Army Officer. Fought in WW1 & WW2. Initiated St. Clair Lodge No 43 UGLV on 10 Dec 1919. (Resigned 12 July 1933, Joined Army Lodge No 478 UGLV on 2 Nov 1934). Affiliated Army & Navy Lodge No 517 NSW in April 1932. Received 50 Year Jewel UGLV.

·   Lieutenant-General Rudolph Bierwirth CBE (1899-1993) Commander in Chief, British Commonwealth Forces Korea (BCFK), affiliated Army & Navy Lodge No 517 NSW in June 1934

·   Lieutenant-General Sir William Robert MacFarlane Drew, KCB CBE QHP MB FRCP (1907-1991) Director-General of Army Medical Services 1965-1969

·   Major-General Edward James Milford CB CBE DSO (1894-1972) Divisional Commander (5th & 7th) WW2. At noon on 8 September 1945 Milford accepted the surrender of all Japanese troops in Borneo Initiated into Army Lodge No 478 UGLV in 1937, Master of that Lodge 1947 remaining a member until deceased.

·   Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey, GCMG, GCVO, KCIE, CB (1872-1949) British Royal Navy Officer (RN) . Held several commands concerning Australia & NZ, including commanding the Australian Fleet as 1918-20 and HMAS Australia (launched 1911), the only capital ship to serve in the RAN.. Initiated into the Lodge of St. John and St. Paul, No. 349 in Malta 1894

·   Rear-Admiral Guy Griffiths AO, DSO, DSC, RAN (1923-) He was on the HMS Repulse, which was hit by a bomb and five torpedoes on December 10, 1941. It went down with the loss of 513 lives.

·   Commodore Dacre Henry Deudraeth Smyth AO (1923 –2008) senior officer in the Royal Australian Navy(RAN), an artist and a poet. Published many books. Commanding Officer of HMAS Cerberus (1971-1978) Initiated Lodge of Memories No 633 UGLV on 24 April 1952. Received 50 Year Jewel in 2002

·   Brigadier-General Sir Walter Ramsay McNicoll DSO, KBE, CMG (1877-1947), schoolmaster, politician, soldier and administrator. MLA. Led the 6th Battalion in the landing at Anzac Cove on 25 April, and received one of the first awards of the Distinguished Service Order in the AIF. Administrator of the Mandated Territory of New Guinea in August (1934-1942). Initiated Geelong Unity and Prudence No 5 UGLV on 16 Oct 1913 (resigned 1920)

·   Brigadier-General Evan Alexander Wisdom CB CMG DSO (1869-1945) soldier, businessman. One of first to receive a commission (Lieut 1 Oct 1901) after Commonwealth took over Defense Dept, in command of Cannington Mounted Infantry. Staff Officer to General White at evacuation of Anzac then served in France. Mayor of Claremont 1908-12. Administrator (Governor) of Mandated Territory of ex-German New Guinea 1921-1932. MLA

·   General John Jackson Paine CBE VD (1864-1936) Soldier and solicitor. Mayor of Windsor for 9 years

·   Lieutenant-General Sir Horace Clement Hugh Robertson KBE DSO (1894-1960) WW1 & WW2, over his career accepted 9 swords from defeated commanders. Egypt, Gallipoli Palestine & Syria (1914-18), Bardia, Tobruk, Palestine, & New Guinea (1939-45). C in C British Commonwealth Occupying Force Japan (1946-51) & Korea (1951-53). Division Commander Initiated 4 Nov 1922 in Kitchener Lodge No 240 UGLV, affiliated many times in different constitutions , Past Master of Army Lodge No 478 UGLV

·   Lieutenant-General Sir Stanley George Savige KBE, CB, DSO, MC, ED (1890-1954) soldier and founder of Legacy. Landed Gallipoli 6 March 1915

·   Major-General Herbert William Lloyd, CB, CMG, CVO DSO (1883 - 1957) MLA Fought at Gallipoli where he earned his DSO. Member of Australia Felix of Hiram No 4 UGLV

·   Surgeon-General Sir William Daniel Campbell Williams KCMG CB KStJ (1856-1919) surgeon and soldier. See the “Medicine” section

·   Colonel Sir Thomas Charles “Tom” Eastick DSO, CMG, ED (1900-1988), engineer and army officer. Regiment Commander. RSL State president. Accepted Japanese surrender at Kuching Borneo in 1945

·   Colonel Alexander Robert Heron CMG DSO VD CMF (1888-1949), soldier and pharmacist. Battalion Commander WW1 & 2. 75 Years a Freemason, WM Kennedy Lodge in 1928 and Past First Principal Chapter, Scribe Ezra.

·   Colonel Ferdinand Henry Wright (1889-1981) Company Director. Captain with the 14th Infantry Battalion. After landing on Gallipoli on 25 April 1915; seriously wounded and invalided home to Australia. 1921 to 1951 Wright was Consul for the Netherlands in Victoria. WW2 carried out several secret missions to Malaya, New Guinea and the Netherlands Indies Initiated Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (UGLV) on 13 April 1922. In 1934, joined United Services No 330 UGLV

·   Colonel James Lawson DSO (1884-1965) Led 'A' Squadron which led the Charge at Beersheba 31 Oct 1917, depicted in George Lambert's painting of the battle of Beersheba at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra Initiated Rupanyup No 118 UGLV 1913 and received his 50 Year Jewel in that Lodge.

·   Colonel Terance Raymond “Terry” Bates (1934- 2015). Foundation member of Vietnam Veterans Memorial Lodge No 921 UGLV, 60 years a Freemason

·   Colonel James Campbell Stewart DSO and Bar, CMG (1884-1947), soldier and public servant, acting Battalion Commander Gallipoli , Brigade Commander France. Chief Marshal ANZAC Day March. Prominent Freemason

·   Colonel Leslie Walker (?-?), member first South Australian Lodge, Hand of Friendship EC No.613 . Walker Street Adelaide is named after him

·   Colonel Burford Sampson DSO (1882-1959), soldier and politician. Platoon commander at Gallipoli, MLC Author of Tommy Atkins, Boer War Yarns and other war stories

·   Colonel William Brazenor DSO and Bar (1888-1945), soldier and administrator, fought with distinction at Lone Pine, Gallipoli. Foundation member of Wendouree Masonic Lodge. Yarrowee No 10 in 1914

·   Colonel David Day Dawson VD CMF (1876-1935) promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in the 1st AIF in 1916 and given command of the 25th Battalion on Gallipoli Anglican Church Leader member of the General Synod of Australia & elected the first district president for Central Queensland of the Returned Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Imperial League of Australia (RSSILA) Member Rockhampton City Council. Past Master Capricornia Masonic Lodge.

·   Colonel Clement James Cummings DSO OBE (1908–1991), soldier, accountant, and sportsman. Battalion Commander. RSL’s Meritorious Service Medal (1990) “One of Australia's most distinguished field officers of World War II” Colonel Cummings Drive Buchans Point, Cairns is named after him.

·   Colonel Arthur Anthony Page ED (1922-2011) WW2 veteran and author of “Between Victor and Vanquished”. As physiotherapist, headed the Commonwealth Rehabilitation Centre in Brisbane, specialising in the rehabilitation of amputees. Founding member Astronomers’ Association of Queensland (AAQ) and was its first President in 1969. Fellow Astronomical Association of Australia (ASA). Member AIF Memorial Lodge No 289.

·   Colonel Franklin James “Bill” Morgan ED (1917-2001) banker. Grand Master GLQLD 1980-83

·   Colonel Justin Fox Greenlaw Foxton CMG (1849-1916), politician, barrister and soldier MLA. Supported female enfranchisement. His role in the creation of the Australian fleet remains his greatest claim to remembrance. President of the Queensland Cricket Association and member of the Australian Cricket Board of Control. Member Scottish Constitution Lodge

·   Colonel Alexander “Alex” Christie CBE (1886-1971) Army Officer during WW1 & WW2, Knight of St John and founder of the Colonel Alexander Christie CBE Trophy of St John Ambulance. Founding member and IPM of AIF Memorial Lodge No 289 UGLQ (1922) Joining member Lodge Antioch No 570 UGLV in 1936 and United Ambulance No 602 UGLV in 1949. Initiated in NSW, Imperial Lodge No 579 on unknown date, but prior to July 1938 when he joined Antioch. PM in Queensland Constitution.

·   Colonel John Murray Church DSO (1928-2016) served in Korea, Malaysia and was the Commanding Officer 2 RAR 70/71 tour in Vietnam

·   Colonel Lawrence James “Laurie” Newell AM CStJ QPM ED JP (1920-2011) Deputy Police Commissioner, soldier, Chair CFA (VIC) 1978-?, Community Leader. Commanded the search for Prime Minister Harold Holt. Initiated Australia Felix No 1 UGLV on 14 Sept 1953, WM that Lodge 1968-69 & 1983-84

·   Colonel Herbert Brayley Collett CMG DSO VD (1877-1947) librarian, soldier and politician. MLC Became a Lt Col at 31. President RSL WA 1925-33; patron of the Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers' Association of Australia. President of National Party of WA

·   Colonel Eric Fairweather Harrison (1880-1948), soldier, staff officer and politician. First Australian to attend Staff College at Quetta India (1910). On the outbreak of WW1, gave the order at Port Phillip Heads to fire across the bows of the German steamer Pfalz to prevent its escape. Director and chief instructor, Royal Military College, Duntroon (1915 & 1941). Initiated Clarke Lodge No 98 (UGLV) 6 Sept 1933

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Harold Daniel Luxton (1888-1957), Businessman, MLA Lord Mayor of Melbourne Initiated Old Melbournians Lodge No 317 UGVL on 14 Dec 1928 serving as Master that Lodge 1932

·   Lieutenant-Colonel George Francis Murphy CMG DSO and Bar, (1883-1962) soldier, teacher and administrator. One of the last to leave during evacuation at Gallipoli . Foundation member of Sydney Legacy

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Edmund Hutchinson Cass CMG (1876-1931), soldier, commandant & teacher. Brigade major of the 2nd Brigade, AIF that took part in the landing at Anzac Cove but unit was transferred to Cape Helles to advance against the Turks at Krithia on 8 May. Battalion Commander. Initiated in St Clair No 43 UGLV in 1904

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Harold Frederick Stokes CBE (1899-1977), engineer, company director. President of the Austin Hospital (1952-74) and chairman of the board of the Cancer Institute. A wing of the Austin Hospital was named after him. Initiated Army Lodge No 478 UGLV on 7 March 1947.

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Philip William Clifford Stokes, OBE ED (1906-1983) politician. Commanded 8th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery (nicknamed "Stokes Travelling Circus") at Siege of Tobruk. He was MID and later served in New Guinea. MHR (Fed.). Initiated Lombard Lodge No 359 (UGLV) on 23 Jan 1929. WM Strathmore No 566 (UGLV) 14 June 1956

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Dr Howard Kynaston Denham DSO (1883-1972), soldier and medical practitioner. Battalion Commander. Initiated 1911, WM Ionic Lodge, Sydney

·   Lieutenant-Colonel William Stansfield CMG DSO VD (1874-1946), a WWI veteran and the “Queensland magician of transport and supply” at Gallipoli and in the Desert campaign. He also served in WWII. Founding Member AIF Memorial Lodge No 289

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Dr Arthur Ross Clayton DSO (1876-1963), medical practitioner Mayor of the Moonta 1924-26 & 1939-40

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Theodore Gordon Walker DSO ED CMF (1900-1971), army officer and businessman. 24th Battalion Commander. Battle of Tobruk. POW, Captured Battle of Crete after stepping off evacuation transport when he realized most of his men would be captured. Captured Battle of Crete (20 May to 1 June 1941) on 1 June 1941. Degree Dates not recorded, but looks to be Initiated Wesley Collegians Lodge No 358 UGLV. Affiliated The Army Lodge No 478 UGLV on 2 Sept 1938, WM that Lodge 1951-52

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Hazell Elliott CMG, DSO and Bar (1882-1956) , soldier and clerk. Within hours of the landing at Gallipoli on 25 April took command of the 12th battalion following the wounding of other officers. Commanded in France and received the Légion d'honneur. Initiated 1911

·   Lieutenant-Colonel George Henry Dean (1859-1953), soldier, stock and station agent and grazier. July 1912 appointed to command the 8th Light Horse Brigade, 1915 as a Lt-Colonel commanded the 13th Light Horse Regiment which served, unmounted, at Gallipoli from early September

·   Lieutenant-Colonel William Charles Nightingale Waite MC (1880-1973), soldier and auctioneer. Served in Boer War, WW1 & WW2 (home). Landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 and served there until the evacuation in December, first commanding the 7th Field Artillery Battery and then the 8th, MC at Gallipoli . Member of the Burnside Town Council for seventeen years. The Colonel Waite Memorial Oval at Kensington Gardens, Adelaide, honours his service to the council. At 90 he presided over the last memorial meeting of Boer War veterans. Well known as Chief Marshal on Anzac Day in Adelaide; proudly mounted on a dapple-grey charger, he led the parade on twenty-nine occasions.

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest Arthur Kendall CMG (1876-1938), veterinary surgeon. First Chair Victoria’s Milk Board

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Byrne Hart MC, CBE (1895-1989), soldier, accountant and company director. From January 1943 commanded the 2nd Australian Water Transport Group. Lamington Lodge No 110 UGLQ, Master that Lodge 1936-37 PAGM

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Allan Gordon Cameron DSO and Bar (1909-1960), bank officer and soldier was awarded the DSO and Bar in New Guinea. Battalion Commander.

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Donald Charles Cameron KCMG DSO & Bar VD Order of the Nile KCMG (1879-1960), solider, pastoralist and politician. Veteran of the Boxer Rebellion, South Africa War, and WWI, wounded at Gallipoli. Regimental Commander leading the attack on Beersheba. Queensland Parliamentarian 1919-1931, Almoner of the Order of St John in Australia. Member AIF Memorial Lodge No 289 MLA. (not to be confused with Donald Cameron (1877-1950), soldier and glazier )

·   Lieutenant-Colonel John Charles Strickland (1856-1933) Senior Militia Officer in Australia. Initiated Lodge of St John 1878 and PM of the same, Grand Scribe Ezra

·   Lieutenant-Colonel John Joseph Moore RFD (1936-) radio and TV Broadcaster (ABC), Lodge Wyvern, Holds 50 Year Certificate

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Hubert Jennings Imrie Harris VD CMF (1871-1915) Solider and Accountant and Company Secretary. Secretary to the Hiram Lodge (1899), Honorary Secretary of United Service Institute (1901-1904), Brisbane Hospital Organiser (1907), Collector & Organiser of the General Hospital (1911) and General Secretary to the Ambulance Brigade (1911-1913). Served in Boer War & WW1. Arrived Gallipoli May 1915, KIA July 1915 joined Star of the Border No 293 IC at Stanthorpe, Norman No 25 GLQ and later Naval and Military Lodge No 51 GLQ

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Barry Ross Tinkler, MBE (1933 – ) Solider. Malaya Emergency, 1948-1960, Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV). Initiated NSW on 25 Oct 1954, affiliated The Army Lodge No 478 in Dec 1957, WM that Lodge 1981-82, holds 65 Year Jewel

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert Thomas Christoph Layh CMG DSO and Bar, VD CMF (1885–1964) Bank Clerk and Soldier. Landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. His boat was one of four that mistakenly beached in front of the Turkish positions at Fisherman's Hut on North Beach. In 1918 arranged counter attack leading to hundreds of prisoners and the capture of 120 machine guns, awarded Bar to DSO for that action. Initiated Kitchener Lodge No 3402 UGLE, Affiliated Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 UGLV on 11 Dec 1919.

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Henry Peter Eller DSO VD CMF (c1880?- ??). Secretary, Manager and Soldier. Alfred Hospital Manager (1926-1946). President Melbourne Legacy (1924-25). 1st AIF. CMF Rifle Association. Initiated Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (UGLV) on 11 Sept 1919.

·   Lieutenant-Colonel David Elder Reid DSO VD CMF. (c1864-1930) Company Director & Soldier. Served in Boer War. Twice Mayor of Gympie. PM of Lord Dufferin Lodge No 329 IC, which is now UGLQ No 48.

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Albert David Reid MC CMF MID(1886-1962) Grazier, Solider and Politician. Long public service commenced when 21 years old as a councilor at Murrumburrah. Dept President of Burrangong Shire Council (1924–27). Member CMF (1908–14) Served in WW1 and WW2, First and Second AIF. Served at Gallipoli from 12 May 1915 to 7 August 1915 and GSW ‘unfit for general service’. In January 1917 transferred on active service in the Palestine campaign and promoted to the rank of captain. As Captain of 4th Light Horse Regiment, 31 October 1917 led the Second Squadron of the 4th Light Horse in the charge at the Battle of Beersheba crossing Trench 1 and 2. 1941 dir. of recruiting NSW; AIF 1941-43. Minister for Agriculture (1938-41) CP Whip died in office

·   Lieutenant-Colonel Lindsay Walter EDDY (1917-2006) Army Officer. Liverpool Lodge No 197 UGNSW&ACT . Affiliated Peace Commemoration Lodge No 519 UGLV (1963-77) and Boronia Lodge No 649 UGLV (1976-1996)

·   Wing Commander John Lloyd Waddy OBE DFC (1916-1987) WW2 fighter pilot, 6th Top Australian Air-Ace. Commanded the No. 80 Squadron in SW Pacific, where he was awarded the US Air Medal. One of eight senior pilots in the "Morotai Mutiny" April 1945 (later vindicated). MLA member Lodge Oxford No 85

·   Wing Commander William Lloyd Brill DSO, DFC with Bar (1916-1964), RAAF officer

·   Wing Commander Nick Leray-Meyer AM (1940-2023), president RAAF Vietnam Veterans Association Initiated in South Australia. Member Brunswick United Lodge No 924 UGLV. Initiated Woodville Lodge No 125 (SA) 21 August 1967

·   Major Alexander Thomas Paterson MC (1886-1950), soldier and businessman.

·   Major William Adolphus “Bill” Chaffey (1915-1987), farmer and politician MLA. Served in Z’ Special Unit 1944-45 Initiated in 1940

·   Major John William Hamilton (1870-1915), Civil Servant, Soldier, Staff Officer. KIA at Gallipoli 25 April. Australian Intelligence Corps. 6th Battalion 1st AIF at Gallipoli. As a Captain, helped escort Lord Kitchener visit to Australia in 1909/1910. Initiated Hiram No 9 QLD, Member UGLV - Windsor No 72 (1905-1908) Melbourne No 17 (1907-1908), Foundation Member Middle Park Lodge No 206 (1908-1911), Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (1913- KIA).

·   Major George Albert Eddy CMF (1860-1900), Solider and Teacher. 2IC 1st Australian Regiment, KIA in Boer War at Battle of Rensburg (Hobkirk's Farm "Pink Hill"), 12 February 1900. Initiated Yarrowee Lodge No 10 (UGLV) on 17 June 1890, resigned 2 Aug 1894. Affiliated 9 Sept 1897 at Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 UGLV

·   Major George Bland Humble (1839-1930), teacher and Fremantle town clerk Humble Way Nth Freemantle is named for him.

·   Major Charles Reginald Miles Cox CMF (1889 - 1956), Manager. 1ST AIF. Interwar Commanded 24th Battalion as LtCol. Initiated in Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 on 12 Oct 1920.

·   Major Shannon Grills MID CMF (1888-?) 1st AIF. Landed Gallipoli 25 April and later France. Prominent local CMF Officer and member of Footscray Club. Initiated Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (UGLV) on 11 Sept 1919

·   Major Henry John Frederick Coe CMF (Lt Col) VD (1894-1968) Army Officer, Salesman, Clerk, Cinema Projection Instructor, Christian Science Minister (In relation to Christian Science, often “Major Henry J. F. Coe” or “ Henry J. F. Coe”. Served WW1 & WW2. Landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. Initiated Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (UGLV) 28 May 1920.

·   Major Hugh George McCullough (1907-1969) WW2 army officer and later store manager for G J Coles & Coy. Initiated The Lodge of Cordiality No 331 UGLV on 1 Nov 1947

·   Major Gwynydd Purves Wynne-Aubrey Meredith (1887-1975). Soldier, staff officer and commanded the famous “Great Emu War” of 1932. Served WW1, WW2, including Commander Brisbane Fortress in mid-1943. Civilian Advisor in Korea. Founding member United Service Lodge No 330 UGLV on 31 July 1923, Master that Lodge in 1930. Held 50 Year Jewel. Appears to have joined UGLV as MM from an unknown Constitution.

·   Brigadier Raymond Walter Tovell CBE, DSO and Bar, ED. (1890–1966) MP. Chief Patron of the Rats of Tobruk Association. MLA

·   Brigadier Arthur Harry Langham Godfrey MC, DSO and Bar (1896-1942), army officer and auctioneer. Battalion Commander. Served in WW1 & WW2. Most senior AIF officer killed in action at El Alamein. .

·   Brigadier Sir Bernard Evans KBE DSO ED CMF (1905-1981) army officer, architect and builder. Melbourne City Councilor for Gipps ward (1949-73), Lord Mayor of Melbourne 1959-1961. Founded Bernard Evans & Associates, one of Melbourne’s Largest Architectural Firms. Initiated St Kilda Lodge No 303 UGLV on 2 Oct 1929, Foundation Member Rhetoric Lodge of Communication No 831, received 50 Year Jewel.

·   Brigadier Sir William Henry Hall KBE DSO ED (1906-1998) Victorian RSL President 1964-75 and National President 1975-78

·   Brigadier Sir George Hodges Knox KBE, CMG, ED, (1885- 1960) orchardist, soldier and politician, philanthropist MLA, whom the Shire of Knox, later to be known as the City of Knox was named after him. Member Peace and Loyalty UGLV Battalion Commander of 23rd Battalion from August at Gallipoli. Speaker of the House. Initiated Clarke or Peace and Loyalty Lodge UGLV but certainly Initiated in 1922

·   Brigadier Keith Vincent Rossi AM OBE RFD ED (1921-2016) Served in WW2 and in Vietnam. Active in the RSL, Legacy and VVAA. 60 Year Bar UGLV. WM United Service Lodge 1984/85 (UGLV). Initiated City of Collingwood Lodge No 464 (UGLV) in 1948.

·   Brigadier Keith Royce Colwell CBE (1919- ) Initiated in Stanley Lodge No. 37 in Brisbane in 1944. 1954 Keith affiliated with The Army Lodge No 478 UGLV in 1954. Held a duel 70 Year Jewels UGLV and UGLQ. Coast Watcher in WW2

·   Brigadier Graeme Benjamin Standish AM RFD ED (c1933-). Regimental Commander. Senior Instructor Operations at the Reserve Command and Staff College 1981/82, the Chief of Staff (Army Reserve) at Third Division 1984/85 and the Commander of the Third Training Group 1986 to 1988. Member United Service Lodge No 330 UGLV. Holds 60 Year Jewel. Initiated Bentleigh Lodge No 482 UGLV on 3 July 1958

·   Captain John Edwin “Jack” McKeddie MC and Bar (1902-1980), army officer and stockbroker, aide-de-camp to Major General (Sir) Leslie Morshead in 1941 and served with him during the siege of Tobruk. President Legacy Club of Melbourne (1959), a member and trustee of the Rats of Tobruk Association and president of the Nurses Memorial Centre 1966-71. Initiated Lombard Lodge No 357 UGLV on 27 Sept 1933, Foundation Member Henley No 547 UGLV

·   Captain James Croker Ferguson, JP (c1830-1891) “.one of the most expert riflemen in the colony”

·   Captain Jack Hayward Watson AM ISO KStJ, JP, (1916-2001) army officer and lawyer, prosecutor of Japanese War Criminals Rabaul & Wewak, Area Commissioner NSW Scouts (1948-64), Registrar General NSW (1958-77)

·   Captain Robert Russell Fullarton (1829-1895), naval officer and public servant. Naval Commander (all Naval Reserves) Melbourne Harbour Master

·   Captain Frank Reid Tubb MC (1880-1952). Boer War & WW1 Soldier. MC; 7th Battalion, Military Cross fighting around Pozieres in August 1916. See also P00735.014. (AWM) Brother of Frederick H Tubb, VC

·   Lieutenant William Sinclair MM MC (1887-1959), soldier, boxmaker and sales representative

·   Lieutenant Percy Muir Dun MC & Bar. M.M (1894-1971), soldier, sawmill manager and grazier. Wounded on four separate occasions, often charging machine gun nests, a battalion sergeant stated: 'Lieutenant Dun really deserved the VC; his men would follow him anywhere'

·   Lieutenant James Anderson Kerr Johnston CMF (1883-1915) Fitter & Locomotive Engineer. Died of Wounds received in action. Member Loyal Orange Lodge No 92 (LOL). Initiated Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (UGLV) on 14 July 1910.

·   Flying Officer Noel William Warren (1918-1994) Grand Master GL of NSW&ACT (1976-80 ) Initiated 3 Oct 1947 in Lodge Torchbearer No 638

·   Flying Officer Ernest “Sandy” McKenzie (1923-2012), engineer, WW2 pilot Hurricanes and Thunderbolts in Burma (1944-45), initiated Lodge Temperance No 179 on 27 May 1947, WM that Lodge 1974-75

·   Corporal Sir Raymond “Bob” Huish CBE (1898-1970), ex-servicemen's leader and businessman. WWI veteran and RSL Queensland Branch President 1930-1967; founder of the Sir Raymond Huish Award for treatment of veterans mental health and behavioral problems. President Returned Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Imperial League of Australia . Member AIF Memorial Lodge No 289

·   Bruce Carlyle Ruxton MBE OBE AM (1926-2011), President of Victorian RSL 1979-2002. Initiated 20 March 1953 in Wilsmere Lodge No 645 UGLV

·   John Alexander Watson DSO (1891-1980), grocer, insurance agent and army officer. Led the logistics during the siege at Tobruk . WM of No 266 (UGLV) in 1929. Awarded 50 Year Jewel in Army Lodge No 478 UGLV in 1971 Initiated Duke of Brunswick Lodge No 132 in 1919..

·   John Henry Lockett OAM known as “Jack Lockett” (1891-2002) was Australia's oldest man and oldest war veteran when he died at the age of 111 and was honoured with a State Funeral in Victoria 80 years as a Freemason. Initiated Ouyen Lodge No 249 on 15 August 1921

·   The Rev. Clive Mortimer Cox MID (1903-1942), Presbyterian Minister of Religion, CMF & Army Chaplain. Died of stomach GSW received on Kokoda Track died 28 Dec 1942, oral history says wounded Christmas Day tending troops. Buried Bomana War Cemetery, Port Moresby. Initiation date is 23 March 1932, either in Murray Bridge Lodge No 44 SAC or Portland Lodge No 6 UGLV.


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Famous Australian Freemasons; Sport

·   Sir Donald Bradman AC (1908-2001), world famous Australian cricketer . Initiated Lodge Tarbolton No 12 UGLNSW 26 Nov 1929.

·   William Albert Stanley “Bert” Oldfield MBE (1894-1976), cricketer Wisden Cricketer of the Year 1927. Initiated Lodge Arcadia No 177 UGLNSW on 11 June 1920 WM Lodge Killara No 670 (1955-56), Foundation Master Lodge Cricket No 931 (1959-60)

·   Sir Hubert Opperman, OBE (1904-1996) world's fastest bicyclist in 1930s; Government Minister; High Commissioner to Malta. Initiated into Stonnington Lodge No 368 UGLV on 23 Dec 1925. Member Peace and Loyalty Lodge

·   William Harold “Bill” Ponsford MBE (1900-1991), test cricketer. The Ponsford Stand at the MCG is named for him. Initiated 11 Sept 1922 in Rechab Lodge No 224 UGLV

·   Charles Brownlow (1861-1924) football, Brownlow Medal is named after him. Unity and Prudence Lodge initiated in 1885

·   John Treloar (1928- ) one of the fastest sprinters in the world of his time, winner of three track sprint gold medals at the Auckland 1950 Empire Games . Initiated at Lodge Frank McDowell No 362 on 4 March 1948

·   Edward “Eddie” Charlton AM (1929-2004) professional snooker and billiards champion. Initiated into Lodge Swansea No 755 UGL of NSW&ACT 14 July 1961.

·   Walter Albert Lindrum CBE OBE (1898 - 1960) professional billiards player. Initiated Crimea Lodge No 432 8 Oct 1934 and remained a member until his death

·   Jack Plummer, sprinter, Australian 1500m track champion and also at Auckland 1950 Empire Games

·   Aaron Treve “Tommy” Woodcock (1905-1985), horseracing, Australian handler of the racehorse Phar Lap Initiated 11 Nov 1943 in Smithfield Lodge No 414 UGLV

·   Ray Land, who competed in sprints and relays at Melbourne Olympics1956

·   Vic Patrick born Victor Patrick Lucca (1920-2006) "the best Australian boxer never to have won a world title" . Australian Lightweight Title in 1941. Initiated at Lodge Fellowship No 623 on 28 Jan 1942, WM that Lodge 1961-62, held RTWBro PAGM

·   Mickey “Roy” Tollis (1927 – 2007), boxer

·   Herbert Henry “Dally” Messenger (1883-1959), Rugby player. Considered one of Rudby’s greats and known as “The Master”. Initiated at Lodge Thespian No 265 on 26 Feb 1915

·   William John “Nipper” Truscott (1886-1966), footballer inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame in 1985 and the Australian Football Hall of Fame in 1996

·   Deverick John “Mick” Cronin (1911-1979), Australian Rules footballer and commentator

·   William Hender Hellings, swimmer one of the founders of the NSW Swimming Association

·   John Hill (b1925?), member Victorian Boxing Hall of Fame, 50 Year Jewel holder.

·   Edgar Laurence “Dunc” Grey (1906-1996), Olympic bicyclist

·   Mervyn Thomas “Merv” Wood, LVO, MBE, QPM (1917 –2006) Eight-time Australian national sculling champion, four-time Olympian and three-time Olympic medalist. Held 28 State Sculling titles. Australian athlete of the year . Later Police Commissioner of the NSW Police Force (1976-79).

·   William Morris “Bill” Lawry AM (1937- ) cricketer initiated Manangatang Lodge 705 UGLV in 1962 or Sportsman Loge No 543 UGLV in 1962

·   Arthur Theordore Wallance “Wally” Grout (1927-1968), test cricketer

·   Charles George "Charlie" Macartney (1886 –1958) cricketer known as "The Governor-General". Played in 35 Tests between 1907 and 1926. “

·   Stanley Rupert Rowley (1876-1924), Olympic Sprinter Paris 1900, member Lodge Austral

·   Leo Ejner Jensen (1912-1978), wrestler and physiotherapist. Australian Heavy Weight Champion 1952

·   Dr William Caldwell McClelland CBE (1875-1957) Melbourne Football Club captain 1901-04, President of the VFL in 1926-55 and of the Melbourne Cricket Club in 1944-57 Australian Football Hall of Fame. Founding Member Brighton Grammarians No 433. Initiated Brighton-Lowry Lodge No 37 UGLV on 26 Oct 1910

·   Glyn de Villiers Bosisto MBE (1899-1990). Lawn Bowls, “created so many records that he was dubbed the (Sir Donald) `Bradman of bowls’ Member Sir Francis Drake No 770 UGLV and prior, member of Sirus 292 NSW Const.

·   Robert “Bob” Jones (1952-) Racing Car Driver & Businessman, Grand Master of Victoria , V8s at Sandown and Bathurst represented Victoria in basketball and played for Williamstown in the VFA and South Melbourne under-19s in the VFL

·   Arthur Tunstall OBE (1922-2016), Boxing & Sports Administration.

·   John James “Jack” Lyons (1863-1927), state and international cricket batsman, household name.

·       Peter Jackson aka "Black Prince" aka “'Peter the Great'” (3 July 1861 – 13 July 1901) “Australian pugilist” “a man of colour” heavy weight champion of Australia. Buried in The Brisbane General Cemetery also known as Toowong Cemetery, A magnificent tomb was erected by subscription with the words, 'This was a man'.

·   Alexander Chalmers “Alec” Bannerman (1854-1924) test cricket. Initiated 12 September 1894 Paddington Ionic Lodge No 18 NSW

·   William “Bill” Beach (1850-1935) sculler, won International Sweepstake London 1886 & world champion seven times and retired undefeated. Initiated 21 April 1885 in Lodge Tarbolton No 377 SC, member several lodges. Foundation member Lodge King Edward, Dapto

·   Arthur Robert Morris MBE (1922-2015) test cricketer Initiated 25 Feb 1948 in Lodge Rockdale No 574 NSW

·   Donald “Don” Tallon (1916-1984) test cricketer; wicketkeeper. “..integral member of the 1948 Australian team that he was named one of Wisden’s five cricketers of the year. Sir Donald Bradman regarded Tallon as a great wicket-keeper and one of the best he had seen”. Initiated 17 June 1976 in Acacia Lodge No 330 GLQLD

·   Geoffrey Dymock OAM (1945-) test cricketer

·   Arthur Alfred Mailey (1886-1967), test cricketer, bowler, cartoonist and journalist

·   Alan Keith Davidson AM MBE (1929-) test cricketer& President NSW Cricket Association. Initiated 28 January 1957 in Lodge Empire Temperance No 423 NSWGL. Also member Lodge Manoora Technology No 432.

·   Jack Huxtable OAM, “Yallourn Football Club Stalwart”, OAM for service to the sport of Australian Rules football, and to the community of Morwell. AFL Victoria Country Life Member. Member Lodge Cornucopia No 927 UGLV

·       William George Arthur “Bill” Redmond (1927- ), football, in 2019 was the last surviving member appearing in the Carlton 1947 Football Premiership Team Photo. Golden and Corinthian Lodge No 7, Initiated West Melbourne No 231 UGLV

·       Peter George Norman (1942-2006) Australian track athlete. Won the silver medal in the 200 meters at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, with a time of 20.06 seconds, remains an Oceania record. Five-time national 200-metres champion. Best known as the third athlete pictured in the famous 1968 Olympics Black Power salute photograph, which occurred during the medal ceremony for the 200-metre event. Initiated Sunshine Lodge No 226 UGLV 4 Sept 1972

·   Gordon George “George” Avery (1925-2006) Olympian, Silver Medalist Summer Olympics London 1948

·   Sir Kenneth George Luke CMG (1896-1971) manufacturer & football administration. Carlton President (1938 - 1955), VFL President (1956 - 1971). Member Australian Football Hall of Fame. A stand at Waverley Park and Boulevard in Mulgrave are named after him. Member Sportsman Lodge No 543 UGLV. Initiated Pentalpha Lodge No 90 UGLV on 28 Feb 1918 and received his 50 Year Jewel in that Lodge in 1968.

·   Richard Allan “Dick” French (1938-) cricket umpire

·   Leonard Victor Maddocks (1926-2016) test cricketer. Initiated 25 July 1948 in Lodge Fortitude No 443 UGLV, resigned April 1974.

·   Robert Baddeley “Bobby” Simpson AO (1936-) cricket

·   Henry James Herbert Scott (1858 - 1910), cricketer and physician, magistrate, Mayor of Scone in 1893-97 and 1899-1900. Captained Australian Cricket Team in England in 1886

·   Brighton John Diggins (1906-1971) football. Initiated Albert Park Lodge No 262 on 15 Sept 1936. Foundation member Sportsman Lodge No 543

·   Richard Sylvanus "Dick" Reynolds (1915-2002) “King Richard”. Football Player (AFL) Essendon Football Club. Reynolds is one of four footballers to have won three Brownlow Medals. Initiated City of Essendon No 238 UGLV on 14 August 1940 (resigned in 1976 as MM)

·   Howard Clement Okey (1906 - 1985) Essendon Football Club Player (AFL) & Committee Member. Initiated Lodge Deeside No 487 UGLV on 20 Jan 1938

·   Ambrose Harold Palmer MBE (1910-1990), champion boxer, boxing trainer and Australian rules footballer. At 15 became Victorian amateur welterweight champion. Coached the Australian team at Melbourne Olympic Games (1956), by which time “he was acknowledged to be the doyen of his trade”. Coached Johnny Famechon. Played for Footscray in the VFL. Inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame in 1985 & Australian National Boxing Hall of Fame in 2003. Initiated Concord Lodge No 234 (UGLV) 19 Nov 1938, Resigned June 1975

·   Neil Edwin Roberts (1933-) football (VFL), Brownlow Medalist 1958. Initiated Sportsman Lodge No 543 UGLV 14 August 1961. Resigned June 1978. Officer in charge of Mawson base, Antarctica, 1971–1973, Silver Polar Medal.


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Famous Australian Freemasons; Actors, Entertainers, Radio & Musicians

·   "Smokey Dawson" born Herbert Henry MBE AM (1913 –2008), country music entertainer and community leader

·   Graham Kennedy AO (1934-2005), entertainer and "King of Television". Won 5 Gold Logie Awards. Initiated St. Kilda Lodge No 303, 1955

·   "Chips Rafferty" born John William Pilbeam Goffage (1909-1971) Film actor. Initiated at Lodge Literature No 500 UGLNSW in 1957

·   Charles "Bud" Tingwell AM (1923-2009) actor and spitfire pilot. Initiated Burwood Lodge No 785 on 27 Jan 1950

·   George Seth Coppin (1819-1906), politician, comic actor and entrepreneur . An energetic Freemason he became the first Grand Master of Victoria (Grand Lodge Victoria later dissolved when United Grand Lodge Victoria was formed, Coppin presided over the first (and last (1889) meeting of the GL). Coppin has been credited with fathering the Australian theatre Initiated St Johns Lodge No 346 IC

·   Harry Van Der Sluys, aka "Roy Rene Mo (1892-1954) better known as “Mo” the clown. Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW Australia

·   Nathan Phillips better known as “Stiffy” the clown (?-1932), Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW

·   Raymond Charles "Ray" Barrett (1927 –2009) movie actor and voice of John Tracey in “Thunderbirds”. Initiated in 1949 in Empire Lodge No.197 UGLQ

·        Philip Peter Jacob Wirth (1864-1937) bandsman and circus proprietor, with his brother, founded Wirth Bros Ltd Circus (1913-1963)

·   Friedrich Wilhelm August Klauer (1829 -1906) Band musician, composer, arranger, publican, gold miner, played at the Eureka Stockade. Oldest publican in Adelaide. He was a prominent Freemason, Past Master of the Duke of Leinster Lodge Member of the Adelaide City Council.

·   Walter Malcolm Neil McEachern (1883-1945) singer, one half of the comic musical duo Mr Flotsam and Mr Jetsam . Toured with Nellie Melba

·   George Bennett (c1817-1854) Singer, pianist, organist, concert presenter, composer. Born UK c.1817 Arrived Adelaide, South Australia 1839 Died Adelaide, 22 September 1854, aged 37

·   William St John M Caws (W. St. John M. CAWS) (c1840-1909), first secretary of the Musical Society of Victoria, of which he was one of the founders Lodge Judah No 20 UGLV St Clair Lodge No 43 UGLV, former Lodge St Clair No 416 SC

·   Samuel Kaye (1829-1895), Singing-master, Professor of Music, organist, music seller, organ builder, arranger, music publisher, Active Melbourne by 1860, departed Melbourne, after July 1876. Music for the Masonic Order, being Ritual No 1 selected and arranged by Bro. Samuel Kaye. Kaye’s Rocks on Brisbane River are named after him.

·   Henry (de) Burgh, (1841-1869?) Amateur vocalist, pianist, composer

·   Edward Ralph de Tisne (1890-1931) American Actor, Initiated into Freemasonry in Thespian Lodge No 256, UGL of NSW on November 22, 1921, later affiliated with Thespian Lodge No 268 in Brisbane 1922

·   William Ellsworth Robinson “Chung Ling Soo“ aka “Ching Ling Soo” (1861-1918) international “Chinese” magician, his death on stage was widely reported in Australia, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW

·   Lancelot Sherlock Fitzgerald aka Lance Vane (1884-1942) actor. Initiated Thespian No. 268 UGLQ December 7, 1922, later affiliated with Thespian Lodge No 256 UGLNSW

·   Hugh Huxham - English actor, vaudevillian, politician, leader Hugh Huxham's Serenaders, Thespian Lodge No 73 QC

·   Clarence Alphonse Lambert aka Lou Vernon (1888-1971), screen, stage and radio actor and entertainer, appeared in Bonanza and Gunsmoke, and Australian TV dramas Homicide, Division 4 and movies such as The Power and the Glory (1940) and “On the Beech” 1959. Initiated Thespian Lodge No 268, UGLQ December 1919

·   Claude Holland (1901-1984), Australian actor, movie star, broadcaster, radio station manager, member Hugh Huxham's Serenaders. Initiated Thespian Lodge No 268 UGLQ on November 1, 1923.

·   John Vyvyan Ormonde Dobbie (1903-1952), Australian actor, movie star, broadcaster, auctioneer . Leading parting in “His Royal Highness” 1932, Australia's first musical film Initiated Thespian Lodge No 268 on 3 May 1945

·   Lt George Patrick “Pat” Hanna (1888-1973), New Zealand army officer, actor, movie star, cartoonist. Initiated into Thespian Lodge No 268 UGLQ on July 3, 1924

·   Arthur Phillips Hemsley (1891-1954) actor, comic and radio, part of comic act “Brull & Hemsley”. Initiated Thespian Lodge No 268, UGLQ 1920

·   Ronald William “Ron” Blaskett (1922-2018), television pioneer, ventriloquist & puppeteer of “Gerry Gee” a famous Australian ventriloquist’s doll and star of the “Tarax Show” 1958- 1964 on Channel 9. Initiated Lodge Companionship No 513 UGLV 17 April 1947, resigned 17 Nov 1966 GL Certificate No. 124,577

·   Michael Schiavello (1975- ) Australian sports commentator . Initiated in 2009 in Deepdene-Balwyn Lodge No 275 UGLV

·   Garnet Hannell Carroll, OBE (1902-1964) actor, theatrical entrepreneur, theatre manager and owner (Roxy Theatre). Initiated 22 Sept 1931 into Lodge Orpheus No 394 UGLV

·   Oliver John Nilsen CBE JP (1884-1977), radio broadcaster, electrical engineer. Lord Mayor of Melbourne (1951). Of 3UZ radio station fame. Granted the first commercial broadcasting license in Victoria (1925). Initiated North Suburban No 112 UGLV on 10 April 1912, Installed WM Princes Hill No 294 in 1924, 50 Year Jewel and 60 Year Bar North Suburban No 112 UGLV .

·   William Chapman (1820-1887) postman, musician and composer “the father of the postman (Adelaide)” Member Lodge of Harmony No 3


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Famous Australian Freemasons; Architects & Builders

Several noted architects and builders appear in other sections.

Famous Australian Freemasons; Architects

·   Sir Francis Howard Greenway (1777-1837), colonial era architect (Also under convicts) His image was on the old $10 Australian Bank note (see convict section for footnotes).

·   Eric Hughes (1901-1964) President Royal Victorian Institute of Architects 20th Grand Master UGLV 1963-1964 Initiated Lodge Amity 22 Feb 1934

·   John Smith Murdoch CMG (1862-1945), architect and public servant. Chief Architect for the Commonwealth of Australia from 1919, responsible for designing many government buildings, most notably the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra, the home Federal Parliament 1927 - 1988. ()

·   James Cowlishaw JP (1834-1929), architect, newspaper proprietor, director and politician Foundation Officer (Steward) Provincial Grand Lodge Queensland EC. MLC 1878-1922. Noted buildings, Government House Sydney Commercial Bank of Sydney Queen Street, Brisbane, warehouse Alexander Stewart & Sons 8 Mclachlan Street, Fortitude Valley, Great Hall Boys' Grammar School and other large edifice. Heritage listed buildings, Fortitude Valley Methodist Church (1870), Hanworth , East Brisbane, Oakwal & Wilston House Brisbane. Director Brisbane Courier, Managing director Brisbane Telegraph in 1878. Chairman Telegraph Newspaper Co (1879-1885) . Anti-Federation. Trustee Brisbane Cemetery (1870-1929).

·       John Petrie (1822-1992), architect, politician, first Mayor of Brisbane , active member of the first Masonic lodge in Queensland. One of five Queenslanders to be regularly initiated into a Queensland Lodge on 10 Aug 1859

·   Percy William Harrison (1864-1951) notable architect , President of WAIA from 1907-1909

·   Lieutenant-General Sir Joseph John Talbot Hobbs KCB, KCMG, VD (1864-1938) , soldier, notable architect , involved in many community organizations such as Surf Life-Saving, RSL, Boy Scouts and Rotary and Legacy Pro Grand Master Initiated Lodge of Unity 2452 EC in 1892

·   William Charles Vahland (1828 – 1915) City of Sandhurst councilor, Chairman and Managing director of the Bendigo Mutual Permanent Land and Building Society Freemason and acclaimed architect Bendigo’s Alexandra Fountain, Town Hall, Capital Theatre and the Anne Caudle Centre were all designed by Vahland who is credited with designing around 100 buildings and landmarks throughout the region Initiated Golden Lodge of Bendigo in 1857

·   Thomas English (1819-1884). Mayor of Gawler. MLC Colonial Architect Friendship Lodge No 1 SAC

·   George Thomas Temple Poole (George Thomas Temple-Poole) (1856-1934), architect , Western Australian superintendent of public works. Thirty-four of the approximately 200 for which he was responsible had been classified by the National Trust of Australia by 1980 as 'essential to the heritage of Australia and must be preserved'; most important of these are Treasury Buildings & the Lands Department in Perth. Founder of the Western Australian Institute of Architects (1896), four times its President.

·   Robert Flack Ricards (c 1866-1938, 72 when he died), Hobart architect

·   Lange Leopold Powell (1886-1938), architect

·   Cuthbert Claude Mortier Whitley (1886-1942), architect and public servant played Australian Rules football with the Hawthorn Football Club in Melbourne and won several golf trophies in Canberra

·   Joel Eade (1823-1911), builder, architect and educationist, magistrate and Mayor of Collingwood in 1870-71. Life governor of the Melbourne Hospital. Mayor of Collingwood (1870-71)
