Master's Message - Achievments at Lodge Devotion 2012-2014
Brethren, Hearty Greetings,
Well like all good things, some have to come to an end. The last 2 years in the chair has been interesting for me, both within the lodge and to myself personally. I'm a big believer when it comes to reflecting with one’s self and personal development; being in the chair delivers both.
I want to take the time to personally thank each and every member of Lodge Devotion, from the membership to the officers on the floor. I extend a hearty thank you also to the members of Arcadia Veritas Lodge who have on many a time assisted us at a moment’s notice from delivering charges to taking a position in office for lodge night.
Let’s take a look back over the last 2 years and see what we as a group at Lodge Devotion have completed;
· We have developed our officers
· We donated $6,000 to Collingwood College
· We have developed Friendships with our trips away from Creswick and Mirboo North (country towns in Victoria)
· We have supported members in distress in ways you will never hear about and in situations you will never hear of.
· We finally made it to Grand Lodge and heard about historical items and the history of Freemasonry and had the opportunity to have our lodge evening within the fabled Lodge Room 1.
· We have been consistently producing a newsletter which is not only directly distributed to hundreds of Freemasons here and overseas - but extensively forwarded by them.
· We have hosted two Grand Masters in the one year - few lodges can claim that.
· We have initiated men, reconnected with some not attending, and for the first time two new Master Masons will take office in the team for next year, potentially joining the line to become master of this lodge.
· We have supported the sick of body and heavy of heart.
· We have made a significant contribution to the preservation of Collingwood Masonic Centre. The January working bee was organised totally by Devotion members and 20 men from many lodges attended and worked hard - while also enjoying each other’s company.
· We enjoyed Christmas at the German Club and were joined by Dr Pollack from Collingwood Secondary College who explained how our donation to the school is helping.
· Many of us have added content to our web site, it ranks above UGLV for information on famous Freemasons and several other topics, funded by members and not the lodge purse, it has over 290 pages on it
· We have educated all in our Ceremonies, Impressed the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and his officers with the quality of our ritual which continues to improve. Giving Master Masons and Past Masters a go at jobs they have never before done.
· Met challenges with humour and resolute confidence that we will overcome all obstacles.
· We have improved the governance of our lodge by passing standing resolutions about how the lodge is managed.
I can say with a smile that Lodge Devotion has done so much that I am happy to pass the baton on knowing that it is in good health and will continue to be with the incoming Master.
I wish Mike all the success for his installation as Master this month and for the ensuing year.
Wherever you are reading this from around the world its time for this Brother to sign off for one last time. I thank you all for the feedback you have passed on.
Fraternal Regards
Aret WM (For the final time :)
Lodge Devotion 723