Lodge Devotion Centenary Jewel & Masonic Birthday Cards Returned
Above - front of a Devotion Birthday Card styled as a Masonic Apron.
The Centenary Jewel and the Masonic Birthday Cards of WBro Ernest Daniel “Ernie” Maskiell (18 June 1916 to 25 Feb 1994) have been returned to Lodge Devotion. VWBro Norm P PGIWkgs remembers Ernie. We understand that a Centenary Jewel marking the 100th Anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria in 1989 was issued to each Lodge with their number stamped on the back. Our stamped Centenary Jewel has been long lost. However, many Lodges are said to have purchased a Jewel for esteemed members, while members of Lodges working under UGLV could also purchase their own.
According to UGLV records, Bro Ernie was Initiated into the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge No 102 on 23 May, Passed 5 July, and Raised 6 September – all in 1944. He served as JW, SW and then went into the Chair of his Mother Lodge serving there 23 Sept 1969 to 22 Sept 1970. His last known address was in Marchant Ave Reservoir and he was a Freemason for an impressive 74 Years.
Carnarvon is an important Lodge to us – along with Abbotsford and Studley – it was one of three Lodges who founded and built the Collingwood Masonic Temple, now known as the Collingwood Masonic Centre.
The Birthday Cards are more than a curio, signed by the Master and Secretary of the day, they have helped us in reconstructing the Years that our Past Masters served. It would be great if some cards from the 1950’s were found – we only know the names of three Masters who served during that decade. The cards all carry the same message;
“The Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of the Lodge extend to you their Fraternal Greetings on the Anniversary of your Initiation, and wish you a Happy Masonic Birthday.
WBro Mark B (tyler) has organised printing of these cards – we are looking for a volunteer with the time who might be able to start this tradition again.
The next question – is what to with the returned Centenary Jewel?
A perpetual Jewel for our Worshipful Masters perhaps?
An idea for discussion?