Lodge Devotion Foundation Timeline
From WBro D Hudson.
Little is known of the foundation of Lodge Devotion, including why our founders selected our name. However, via the Grand Lodge archives, we have been able to inspect some foundation documents have pieced together the below...
12 July 1951 is the date of signing on the Petition for the Warrant requesting the lodge, to be called “Lodge Devotion”, meet on the Fourth Friday each month, no meeting in December, at “Masonic Temple Abbotsford”
First Master WBro George Alexander White
First Senior Warden WBro Albert George Hanger
First Junior Warden Bro James Baxter Eatock, PSW (EC)
These three did indeed become the first Master, SW and JW, and their names appear on Lodge Devotion’s Warrant. From a Past Master’s medal, we understand WBro Leslie Wilfred Fletcher PGSwdB was our third Master, not Bro Eatock as one might expect, however the name “WBro J B Eatoch” does indeed appear in the names of our Past Masters while WBro Albert George Hanger does not. We do not know who the second Master of Lodge Devotion was.
In the Petition for the Warrant, there are 28 signatures affixed, 4 later crossed out in pen and the number 27 written in pencil and circled.
26 July 1951 is the date on the RECOMMENDATION FOR PETITION from the Master and Wardens of Abbotsford 92. Meeting that same day, the lodge voted that a warrant be given and the Notice of Petition was in their summons. It was dated as signed on the same day. The signatures appear to be Norman L Read, WM, Edward G __??? SW, and Adam B Bonnar JW.. “Application approved and Warrant granted” section signed by Pro GM and Grand Sec on 20 August 1952. Confirming that document was submitted in 1951 and approved 1952 on the day of Lodge Devotion’s consecration.
View Original Document at prior link
7 August 1951 is stamped onto the Petition for the Warrant, presumably received by GL on that date.
9 August 1951 (dated bottom left hand side) “Proposed Lodge “Devotion” at Abbotsford” shows 27 petitioners, Lodges they were drawn from and suburbs they resided in and also the names of the fifteen (15) Lodges then meeting at the Abbotsford Temple and the membership of each Lodge, total 1,747 Freemasons with an average membership of
30 October 1951. Handwritten letter to the Grand Sec from George A White, PM 232, explaining that his son, Thomas George White, whose name appears on the Petition for a Warrant has “recently had the opportunity of taking up dairy farming in Gippsland” and has moved to Hazelwood North, and as that is more than 20 miles from the proposed Lodge’s meeting place, he will be unable to attend meetings, the father asks that his son’s name be removed from the Petition .
8 November 1951 letter wherein Grand Sec writes to WBro George A White at 6 Young Street Preston that the “new lodge sub-committee” will meet at Young Street at 7:45 pm on Monday 3 Dec “when the Petition for the proposed new Lodge will be considered” and that Officers designate down to IG be present at the meeting.
9 November 1951 letter from 640 Bell Street West Preston, to Grand Sec at Freemasons Hall 25 Collins Street Melbourne, to the attention of the New Lodge Committee. This letter advises that “At a meeting of 13 members of the proposed lodge (Devotion) held at Gipps Street Masonic Temple Collingwood, Thursday November 8, 1951, it was decided unanimously that the following names be deleted from the Petition: ---
Bro F.W.B. Cox
Bro L.C. Palmer, who has resigned in writing
Bro R. S. McQuinn
“Your formal approval would be appreciated”
This letter is signed by Alfred E James, Secretary, George A White, Master Designate.
2 January 1952 Grand Sec writes to WBro George A White at 6 Young Street Preston to advise that the BOGP, at its meeting 20 December, has “recommended to the MM Grand Master to grant a Warrant for the proposed new lodge.” And that he will confer with you later as to a suitable day for Consecration.
4 July 1952 Grand Sec writes to Bro R F Fletcher at 14 Tower Ave Alphington to advise that”.. the MW Pro Grand Master has fixed Wednesday 20th August for the Consecration of the proposed new Lodge, the Installation of Master and Investiture of Officers, at the Masonic Temple, Abbotsford, at 5:30 pm” and advises the sponsor lodge to open at 4:30pm to receive Grand Lodge at 5:30pm. He also advised the number of the new lodge is to be 723. The ceremony was carried out in the Third Degree and hence EAs and FCs were not invited.
20 August 1952 – MW Bro R. A. Rowe, Pro Grand Master officiates at the Consecration of the Lodge and the Installation of the First Master, WBro George Alexander White , and his officers at the Collingwood United Masonic Temple, 141 Gipps Street Abbotsford.
Note in Sept 2016
Google Maps show Tower Ave as a WB with TCT Roof. Heavily shrubbed. However by the bottom of front window, the house might date from the 1930s. 6 Young St Preston is a single fronted Cal Bung. 640 Bell St West Preston is home constructed post these events.