Australia Day - Freemason Parade 2012

Congratulations to our MW Grand Master Vaughan Werner on doing something very very different and important – putting Freemasonry in the public eye by marching in regalia in the Australia Day Parade.

At Devotion and many other lodges, we had not heard of the plan to march, we would have been proud to have been there to support our very worthy and esteemed GM and the Craft. Many of us were disappointed not to be given the chance to show public support by marching, but it is easy (and often pointless!) to focus on the negative. Especially when the positives far eclipse the fact not all were notified of it.

As reported in Engage “The march proceeded down Swanston Street, past an array of Federal, State and local dignitaries assembled at the Melbourne Town Hall, down St Kilda Road finishing at Kings Domain. ...Freemasons marching in the parade drew a great deal of interest from those watching from the side-lines with many photographs being taken by members of the public en route. Our mobile Lodge which included displays by the Ionic Coaching Service, Doric Coaching Service, Victoria Masonic Motorcycle Association, Freemasons Task Force, attracted a lot of serious interest and enquiries were also received from four ladies to whom contact details for the Order of the Easter Star and the Amaranth where provided.”

This is the second time my Brother Vaughan has been out in public in regalia. At the Opening of the Royal Freemasons new building last year the MWGM presided over the foundation stone being tested and proved with Masonic Honours. The significance of these two events cannot be underestimated; it puts Freemasons (literally) in the open and under sun light. Two great and historic occasions. Many Freemasons alive today would never seen regalia worn outside a building.

I am sure both occasions will be commented on in the future as the days Freemasonry came out onto the street. Let’s also hope that they mark the beginning of something more commonly seen in the future.

Can we ask our next Grand Master continue this important initiative – and please let us know?

Well done MWGM and to all who supported him on the day!