Don's Diary

Don is a respected and experienced Freemason.

He is Past Master of the Lodge of Devotion and several other lodges beside. He is also a member of Grand Lodge Victoria. (For those into such things,  he is a "Right Worshipful Brother")

He is a retired Colonel of the Australian Army and was stationed in Vietnam in the 1960's as a Combat Infantry Commander. He had a second career in transport and privatisation.

Don wrote a monthly column in Devotion News called "Don's Diary".

Freemasonry is a diverse organisation with tolerance at it's very core.

Don's views would not always be shared by his masonic readers, but in an organisation which accepts and values diversity and different opinions, there is an important place for discussion and ideas in Freemasonry. Don has been the inspiration for many discussions and advances at Devotion and in Freemasonry.

Here is a sample of some of the broad topics Don wrote on each month.

Each diary entry tends to be topical and deal with issues of the day. They normally have no detailed title beyond "Don's Diary" but titles have been added here to assist readers.

Don's views are his own and not necessarily those of Lodge Devotion, Grand Lodge Victoria or any other organisation.

Don resigned from Freemasonry and Lodge Devotion in April 2023 after many years of service.