Master’s Message

It is with great sadness that I write this month’s Master’s Message due to the passing to the Grand Lodge above of Andrew Ernst McKay; or as we preferred to call him Andy. It is without any doubt that without Andy’s long and dedicated contribution and tireless efforts Lodge Devotion would not be here today.

As we all well aware, Lodge Devotion was founded in 1952. However what few brethren are aware of is that since 1952 Lodge Devotion has undergone a number of periods where our membership declined to critically low points that the ongoing operational viability of Lodge Devotion came into question. Rather than roll over and accept defeat as has happened in many other Lodges, each time this occurred Andy rolled his sleeves up and did his utmost to ensure that Lodge Devotion survived and thrived into the future. This did not happen just once but on many occasions and each time Andy rose to the occasion and gave his very best.

As Worshipful Master of Lodge Devotion I express on behalf of all the members of Lodge Devotion our gratitude for Andy’s untiring efforts over this extended period and offer our condolences and our full support to Andy’s family during this difficult period.

So mote it me.

Yours Fraternally


Worshipful Master 2014/15

Andy at Lodge Devotion's Sept 2006 Meeting

Vale Andrew Ernst McKay Freemason