Lodge Devotion, Influencing Freemasonry in India?
WBro Mark was made a Freemason in India and is a member of Lodge Evolution 931 here in Melbourne. Mark still visits his Indian Lodge and is on their mailing list. They recently circulated an interesting article on Masonic Cricket. The article was found on the web at www.lodgedevotion.net. We get lots of international feedback on our newsletter and articles have been republished in Australia, Candida, the UK and USA. And now circulated in India. When you write for Devotion News, you are not just writing for our lodge members but a large circulation list. Where appropriate, our articles are republished on our web site where you write and potentially influence anyone with access to the internet.
If you have something interesting to say on Freemasonry, do share it by writing for Devotion News.
You can read the article on Cricket by clicking here.
Some unknown Brethren in India