Vale, Bro Simon Pervis Stedman MM,
7 Sept 1964 to 21 July 2018
Thanks to Arcadian-Veritas' members who attended Bro Simon's funeral and also to that Lodge for paying this respect to our JW Simon.
Lodge Arcadian-Verita No 340 VC
Lodge Arcadian-Veritas met at the Prahran Masonic Centre on Tuesday 14 August 2018. Just as Lodge Devotion has done at our meeting of Sat 11 August, Arcadian-Veritas had a short Eulogy for Bro Simon and observed a minutes silence for our departed Brother. I was not aware that Bro Simon, Devotion's JW, had attended Arcadian-Veritas' July meeting and stood in as JW for their meeting, acting in a Third Degree, this would have been the second last time Simon was among his Brothers in a Tyled Lodge.
The Earl of Dunmore Lodge No 1686 VC
Bro Simon was a foundation member of the above lodge, established on 19 May 2018, with 120 Brethren attending the Consecration and 220, including Simon, attending the banquet. On 11 August 2018, the same night as Devotion No 723's 723rd meeting and Installation, there was a eulogy and minute's silence observed in Simon's honour. Simon held the office of "Jeweler" in that Lodge. At our own Installation on the same night of 11 August, we also observed a minute's silence and reflection in Bro Simon's Honour.
Thanks to Earl of Dunmore member, none other than our current Grand Master, RWBro Keith Murray, who attended Bro Simon's funeral and also to that Lodge for paying this respect to our JW Simon.
Email from Simon Stedman “Thanks for your support”
Below is a message that Bro Simon sent to the WM Allan with several others Cc'ed. Simon had "replied all" to a message on another matter to some of our members and I believe Simon thought he caught all members of Lodge Devotion. It is a poignant message on the importance of the Fraternal Strength of Lodge Devotion and Freemasonry, and what that meant to our Brother.
14 July 2018
WBro Todd, WM and brethren all
Thank you for your kind words and support.
Please accept my apologies for leaving immediately after our last meeting. I was so chilled to the bone that i needed to be in my warm bed post haste, and was saddened to miss the opportunity to spend time with all of you, and with our newest member Bro Jaryd, enjoying his evening.
Although not "more sick" per se, I am depleted. In this I am moved to attest that Freemasonry is of immense support for me, with the kind words and actions of Lodge Devotion added to those of my friends and family, an important source of succor.
Please know at this time that the fraternity outside the Lodge, before our meetings and in the Lodge room nourish my soul and are a very satisfying part of my life, of as much value as the brotherhood during my journey of the past 2 years, and will be as important in those parts of my journey that are yet to come.
I will soon be better able to enjoy the full breadth of our relationships, including the South, once I have worked through this phase... and as the weather warms up... but for now am very happy with those parts where I can join.
To this end I have checked myself in to hospital to aid my recuperation with intensive rest and support. It took me a while to admit I needed this. Typical male bravado and rubbish.
Some may be inclined to visit. To you I say thank you, but that is not really required at the moment, I should be home in the coming days, to continue my recovery, and look forward our next meeting.
Thank you all. You are what makes me proud to be with Lodge Devotion.
Regards Simon