I am a Master Mason
The name itself stands as a symbol of the wisdom of the ages.
I am part of an institution that has forever followed the Glorious Light of the East. I am part of the hopes, the yearnings and the efforts of a world wide group of men who are meeting and working in the name of The Almighty One. I have a share in the spreading of the ideals of Justice, of Tolerance and of Kindness. To me is given the opportunity for unveiling symbols which impart Golden Truths.
I have the opportunity to grow morally in an atmosphere of sacred silence.
I am a member of an institution which throughout the ages has aught and followed the ways of peace, yet never for a moment has capitulated to the demand of dictatorship. I am a member of an institution which has forever inspired man to engage vigorously in the struggle for the preservation of God-given rights – Freedom of Worship and Freedom of Thought.
My Masonic membership offers the greatest blessing that is given to man – the opportunity to be serviceable to my fellow creatures.
Great are my privileges. Great are my responsibilities.
I am a Master Mason.
Anon – found among the papers of a deceased brother.