Master's Message – The Tranquility of Lodge, March 2008
From WBro Don, WM Lodge Devotion 2007/2008
I was not at ease just before our last meeting. I should not have been on the top of the step-ladder when the rung broke (2 broken ribs), I should remember my age when working hard with my hands (2 finger tendon splints on my right hand), and there was a difficult family issue (stress). However despite the discomfort, attending was worth every moment.
We frequently talk to each other about the great privilege and benefit of brotherly love, relief and truth but it is a bit like “preaching to the converted”.
Perhaps we should also recognise the tranquil atmosphere in a well run lodge: harmony if you like, where you can relax among like minded people – that was what it was like, as usual, at our last meeting. Everyone “bucked in” and helped.
I forgot my woes: well at least most of the time!
Lodge is there to be enjoyed and if it is not, the remedy needs to be quickly identified. Perhaps it will become necessary, and it would be unfortunate if it does, for a disgruntled few (and they will almost always be PMs) to be asked if they think they would be happier in another Lodge.
Fortunately, we have not had this problem in Lodge Devotion in my time as a member.
Let’s keep it that way.
There may be a Brother present that needs a little peace and tranquility as I did at our last meeting.
Yours fraternally
Don P WM, 2007/2008