Master's Message - Sir William Clarke, September 2012
From WBro Aret, WM Lodge Devotion 2012-2013
Last meeting I had the great honour of officially working as the newly installed Master of Lodge Devotion.
The last two months has been an exciting yet massive learning curve in my new role. One thing it has given me is the opportunity to work with a great lodge as it was left by our IPM Andrew. A big thank you to Andrew for moving the lodge forward with more brethren joining us.
My aspirations for the lodge over the next year is to rally and allow the newer members, be it EA, FC or newly appointed MM’s to really get educated on all aspects of the craft. This was demonstrated with a very informative and colourful presentation by none other than WBro Don A. We look forward to many more informative evenings from you.
As we look back over the past week the city of Melbourne was alive with two great codes of football that in every aspect has every sense of the word brotherhood. On the subject of football a little nostalgia struck me and amongst learning how AFL football came to be this road led me to learn to the holy grail MCG and the Melbourne Cricket Club. As a waiting list member of the MCC (8 years and counting) I decided to do some research into it inception and current workings. Interestingly one thing stuck out about the MCC; a gentleman by the name of Sir William Clarke.
Clarke was a president of the Melbourne Cricket Club and was also the man behind the Ashes, it was at Clarke's Sunbury mansion, Rupertswood, where he hosted the touring English team over the Christmas break of 1882, that the fabled bail was burnt and placed in a small urn. What’s less well known is that Clarke was the first Victorian Grand Master of the Freemasons. We’ve all been to the fabled “G”. When time prevails have a walk through the Masonic Centre in East Melbourne. You’ll have the opportunity to see a portrait of Clarke when you first enter.
Now on a final note, it’s with a heavy heart that I end the master’s message for this month. WBro Ken Nice has passed away at the age of 86 and will be greatly missed by us all, richer for having been blest by having known him.
Warm Fraternal Regards
Aret WM