Suggested names needing further research
If you can supply further information and sources for the below, please email
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The below is from Version (14) dated Monday, 6 January 2025
Suggested names needing further research.
· Frederick Sanders ( -1950) Grand Secretary WAC
· Major General Victor Paul Hildebrandt Stantke, CBE (15 August 1886 – 1967). Soldier
· Sir Robert Richard Torrens, KCMG (31 May 1814 – 31 August 1884) land titles law reformer was the 3rd Premier of South Australia and a pioneer and author of simplified system of transferring land. Author of the Real Property Act 1857 (‘the Torrens Act’), MLA MLC. Perhaps initiated South Australian Lodge of Friendship in 1854 or, according to Kent Henderson, Lodge of Antiquity No 2 EC in London 24 Nov 1824 however at such date he was only 10 years old.
· Bro John Jacob Crew Bradfield, born at Sandgate in 1867, was initiated into United Tradesman’s Lodge (Ipswich) in 1889. Bradfield was engineer responsible for the construction of both the Story Bridge and the Sydney Harbour Bridge along with numerous other engineering marvel
· David Munro 3rd Grand Master of Grand Lodge Victoria (GLV) 1888-89 Could it be this man? David Munro (1844-1898), engineer, inventory, speculator and contractor. Died of alcoholism after financial failure and bankruptcy. If David Munro & Co, then there is an interesting link there
· James Stuart [Stewart], Foundation Senior Warden at The Australian Social Lodge No 260 IC
· Brother Drummond as Senior Tyler
· Brother Hetherington as Junior Tyler
· Mathew (Matthew) Bacon (?-?) The Foundation Master NSW . Officer of the 48th [Northamptonshire] Regiment of Foot, Initiated under Irish travel warrant, No.218 Master Australian Social Lodge 260 IC, now named Lodge Antiquity No 1 under the UGLNSW&ACT. Might be (?-1825) who arrived Port Jackson aboard Surrey (or Surry) 28 July 1818, married Mary A. McDonald in 1821 at St. Philip’s Church, Sydney, partnered John Payne in Wellington Brewery. “Matthew Bacon late 73rd Regiment and Commissariat Department, died at his home in York Street, Sydney on 24 August 1825, aged 36 years.”
· Harry R Roberts (born Robertson also known as Henry R Roberts) (?-1924) Shakespearean Actor, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· William John “Willie” Fennell aka “Phooey Fennell “ (1920-1992) actor and comedian, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· James Thomas “Jim” Gussy (c1906-1990) musician & conductor ABC Dance Band Gussey St Moncrieff ACT is named for him, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Bobby Le Brun OAM (1910-1985) vaudeville comic, theatre owner, producer, dancer, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Leo “Lucky” Grills OAM (1928-2007) actor and comedian, played "Bluey Hills” in TV police drama Bluey, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Jimmy Haynes (Vaudeville Entertainer) Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Jimmy Parkinson, TV and Recording Personality, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Ted James (Entertainer & Agent) Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Doug Ashton OAM (1918/9-2011) & son Merv Ashton, both of Ashton’s Circus, oldest operating circus in Australia and Western World, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Charles Robert Montague Luke “Monte” Luke (1885-1962) renowned photographer, actor and director, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Bobby Wright, (?-?) Actor, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Bertram Leon Cohen aka Bert Le Blanc (1884-1974) Comedian and Producer, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW “Although now largely forgotten his influence…was as significant as Phillips and Rene, and indeed Le Blanc was readily accepted by his peers as belonging in the same class as other iconic Australia comedians such as George Wallace and Jim Gerald”
· Charles W. Wray (1922-2013) one of 328 survivors of sinking of HMAS Perth and one of the 218 captured sailors who survived being Japanese POW Initiated Mt. Gravatt Lodge No. 325 in 1946 after being impressed by POW Freemasons.
· Tasman Bradley or Bradley Tasman - Australian Circus Manager
· Robert James “Bob” Fitzsimmons aka “Ruby Robert” aka “Freckled Freak” (1863-1917) World Champion Boxer, blacksmith. Initiated 24 May 1910 in Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW, no record of his further degrees
· Paul Dalton (?-?) international Entertainer, illusionist Charlie Chaplain’s Tramp impersonator, Lodge Thespian No 256 NSW
· Norman White (c1887-1950) Thespian Lodge No 268, UGLQ inaugural Master 10 Oct 1918, General Manager of Brisbane's Daily Mail His brother was Ray White, likely founder Ray White Real Estate (initials of brothers and place of birth all match White family originally from Tasmania Also Mr A J Boyd, staff member of Daily Mail
· Lieutenant-Colonel Alan Townson (1951-) engineer, Grand Master Queensland. Initiated 1987 into Celtic of Ithaca Lodge, No 84
· Augustus Earle, artist, signed application for Warrant that would become Lodge of Australia 820 EC
· Francis Stacker Dutton CMG (1818-1877) 7th Premier of South Australia. Master Friendship Lodge SA discovered copper at Kapunda, MLA MLC
· Charles Francis Summers PJGD (1858-1945) sculptor (included in main list). (Son of famous sculptor and artist Charles H Summers, CH Summers needing more research, whose sculptures included the Freemasons Clarke, Redmond Barry plus statues of Queen Victoria and the famous city one of Burke and Wills. Not listed as a Freemason by UGLV but could have been UGLE ) C F Summers was also a noted sculptor, whose work is in the Ballarat gardens and Rotorua, amongst other locations, and later became our Librarian for many years at Collins Street. Member Metropolitan Lodge No 85 UGLV.
· John Gale (c1832-1929) journalist, founder Queanbeyan Age 1860, “Father of Canberra”
· Joseph Elliott JP (1834-1883) printer and publisher, owned the Southern Argus in Strathalbyn, published the “Musical Herald” & Councilor of Strathalbyn [brother James Elliott JP (Circa 1834 - 1883)]
· James Elliott JP (Circa 1834 - 1883) co-founder, editor and part proprietor of the Kapunda Herald. Chairman of the Hospital Board, Vice-President of the Institute, member of the School Board of Advice, the Horticultural Society, and Dutton Park Committees, and Director of the Marble and Building Company, all of Kapunda. Founder of Dutton Park and the Kapunda Hospital; [brother Joseph Elliott JP (1834-1883)]
· John Willoughby Humphris JP (1930-2006) businessman, Rotarian, Grand Master UGLV (1993-95) , initiated in July 1949 into the Mornington Lodge
· Charles Dyte (1818- 1893) notable Jewish citizen, storekeeper, auctioneer, involved in Eureka Stockade, MP & Councilor and found Mayor of Ballarat East
· Robert Arthur Hammond, Grand Master GL NSW&ACT 1969-72 Initiated: 13 September 1945 in Lodge Balmain No. 23 NSWC
· Henry J “Count” Donegan (?-?)Scout Commissioner, Initiated Lodge Sans Souci No 442 on 19 Jan 1932, WM that Lodge 1942-3
· John Harold Kaye AO AM MBE (1910-2005) silver kangaroo (Scouting) Initiated 28 Nov 1946 WM Baden Powell Lodge No 646 (1987-88)
· Noel Frederick Dunn OAM Grand Master GL of NSW&ACT (1992-96)
· Raymond Charles Green Grand Master GL of NSW&ACT (1996-99 )
· Derek James Robson AM Grand Master GL of NSW&ACT (2011-15)
· Victor Charles Nathaniel Blight CBE, government printer, Grand Master GL of NSW&ACT
· Stanley Robert McDougall VC MM (1889-1968), soldier and forester
· Thomas McCombie (1819-1869), journalist, merchant and politician MLA MLC
· The Rt Rev William George Hillard 5th Bishop of Nelson and Coadjutor Bishop of Sydney. Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales in 1937 and Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand in 1937. Foundation Member of Lodge University of Sydney.
· J C. Waite painter might be James Clarke Waite (1832-1920). Need to do more research to make sure it is this specific JC Waite member of “Member of the Royal Society of British Artists”
· Surgeon Commander Dr Warren Atyeo Kemp RFD RANR (1933-) Initiated Lodge Mosman No. 228 (NSW Constitution) on 16 June 1964. Member Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 UGLV & Master of that Lodge 1990-92
· Wilfred John “Bill” Brimblecombe CBE (1898-1973) Farmer and politician. MLA. Member Wambo Shire Council, Dalby 1943-46, Growers’ representative QLD. Wheat Board (1927-52), Queensland Council of Agric (1933-39)
· Lionel Daniel CLAY (1900-1965) ALP HR NSW Teacher and union official. B. 1900 Chillagoe, NQ; s. Edwin and Hannah, nee Linehan; m. Enid; Is. 2d. D. 16 April 1965, Teacher; union organiser and official; MHR St George 1958-63, defeated. WW 1959-62; SMH 19 April 1965.
· John William Croft (1871-19??) Politician and Unionist. Foundation Member WA Federation League. Freetrader. Mystery surrounds his death.
· Edward Ernest Heitmann (1878-1934) politician, farmer, miner, mine engine driver and union secretary. Conscriptionist, expelled from ALP; foundation member of Nat. party; to Vic. as WA representative to promote Nat. Fed. MLA (WA) Cue 1904-13, Geraldton 1914-17 ALP. MHR Kalgoorlie 1917-19.
· Bruce Huntley Kekwick (1910-1982) politician, Insurance executive, company director and music executive. Lt in RAN 1940-46. HR (Bass) 1949 to 1954. Founder and former Secretary Launceston Philharmonic Soc. 1946, appointed music dir. and conductor 1963, well known as recitalist, member Tas. Arts Club, Launceston Players. Launceston Chamber of Commerce.
· Thomas Stanley Cowell (c1823-1883). Innkeeper, Victoria Hotel. One of five Queenslanders to be regularly initiated in Queensland, North Australian Lodge No 796 EC (QLD) on 10 Aug 1859.
· Anthony William Pahl OAM (c1950 -) For service to veterans through the International War Veterans Poetry Archives. A founding member of RAAFVVA, established and maintained the website
· George Harris (1831-1891), businessman, shipping agent. Opened his own business as George Harris & Co. Brisbane Pioneer. During the 1880s Harris was the Queensland Consular Agent for the United States, Italy and Belgium at various times North Australian Lodge QLD. MLA
· William James Large (1878-1964) Politician and Trade Unionist. MLC .
· Arthur Gibson Manning (1872-1947). Farmer and grazier, Politician MLA . Australian Delegate to League of Nations (1926).
· Major Sir Kenneth James Morris KBE, CMG (1903-1978), politician, businessman and farmer, party leader and deputy-premier (QLD). AIF 1939-45, served Eng., Tobruk, Alamein and New Guinea; later Major on Reserve Offs. Foundation member QLD Peoples Party (later Q. Lib. party), member exec. 1943-63. Minister for Labour. & Industry 1957-63. Lib party whip 1944-50, Deputy Leader 1950-54, Leader 1954-63. MLA MLC.
· Richard Harry Nash (1890-1951) Tramwayman and union official. MLC. One of founders of Kalgoorlie Tramways Union, sec. WA Electric Tramways Employees Union 1922-39,. Member Subiaco Municipal Council 12 years.. Senator 1943-51, died in office. Known as “Dick Nash”
· Sir George Foster Pearce KCVO (1870-1952), carpenter, politician and Trade Union Official.. pro-conscriptionist. free trader. Federationalist. MLC. Senator for thirty-seven years, for twenty-five of which he served as a minister. Initially anti-militarist, pre WW1 became pro defense. Established Central Flying School at Point Cook, Victoria, in 1912. Helped promote RAAN. Became convinced that war between Britain and Germany was inevitable and suspicious of Japan. Minister. for Defence 1908-09, 1910-13, 1914-21, 1932-34, for Home & Territories 1921-26 for External Affairs and for Territories 1934-37. vice-pres. Exec. Council 1926-29. Leader of Govt in Senate 1932-37. Member Select Cttee 1904 and Royal Commission on Old Age Pensions (1905-06). Acting prime minister seven months (1916). Next to Hughes he was the chief advocate and planner of the two conscription campaigns & conscription plebiscites of 1916 and 1917. Had a State Funeral.
· Sir Hercules Vincent Sinnamon (1899–1994), business executive, philanthropist, and landowner. In 1980 he became a founder benefactor of the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation. Joined Freemasonry in1 990, provided land from his farm for the Taringa lodge to erect a Masonic Building in memory of his parents
· David Storrer (24 November 1854 – 13 November 1935) politician, cabinet maker and undertaker. Alderman at Launceston from 1894 to 1897, 1898 to 1904 and 1913 to 1921, and was elected Mayor for 1903. Temperance Advocate. Racobite IOOFMU, Grand Master in Both. MLA MHR. Only 1 source notes him as a Freemason.
· Lieutenant-Colonel Grantley Andrew Hillier HOLBOROW (1874-1955). Fought in Boer War South Africa and WW1.
· C G Clark of Clark and Pye Architects Masonic Hall Brisbane (1885)
· Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Edward Harris (C1845-1902) CMF “known as “Major Harris”. Provincial Grand Secretary Irish Constitution OLD. WM Hiram Lodge No 286 IC in 1885
· Robert Samuel Hodge (1866 – 8 April 1924) Publican; Storekeeper, Produce merchant,; Hotel-broker. Governor Kingaroy Hospital MLA
· James Bennion Price (c1864 – 1938). Lawyer. One of the oldest practicing solicitors in Brisbane when he died. Member Windsor Town Council (Brisbane QLD). Member of several sporting clubs, Founding member Nundah Bowling Club.
· Simon Bouda AM (1961-) investigative journalist, chief crime reporter and author and television crime reporter.
· James Robert Melville (?-) 38th Grand Master UGLNSW&ACT (2015-2018)
· Lesley Norman Hicks JP (C1960-) Businessman and Martial Artist. 40th Grand Mater UGLNSW&ACT (2021-present)
· Colonel Dr Suresh Badami, MBBS, OAM RFD. Former Chairman of the Medical Staff Council of the NSW Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Networ
· John Frank “Jimmy” Hill (1925- 2013), boxer, held 50 year jewel. Initiated Lodge Felicity No 43.1 (UGLV) on 22 Nov 1957
· Reginald Francis Carter (1908- ??) (AM in 1993“For service to the law and to the community, particularly through freemasonry).Lawyer, District Court Judge. Crown Prosecutor & Author.”
· Lieutenant Septimus Henry Fielden PSL (1882- 1922) Engineer, BEF then seconded 1st AIF. Faced several Medical Boards in 1917 for psoriasis. Discharged AIF medically unfit to take up employment under Australian Munitions Works Scheme. Appears initiated Sunshine Lodge No 226, no degree dates, affiliated Victorian Naval and Military Lodge No 49 (UGLV) on 10 June 1915
· Bro MAJ F.T.H. Groucher
· Bro MAJ J.N.O. Kennedy
· Alan Gardner (1923-2009) RAAF and District Forester and Officer in Charge of National Parks and Timber Utilisation, retired 1983. Rotarian and received 50 Year Jewel. Made 1/24th scale model of Beaufort A9-625 QH-D, from sketches and notes made during the war, and from general research. This model is now on display at the RAAF Museum, Point Cook.
· James Erskine Murray (1810-1844), barrister, author, debtor and possible fraudster. Used “The Honourable” before his name. Fled Melbourne. Killed in Borneo in 1844, yet perhaps appears in QLD in 1893 as The Honourable and RN with his name. Might be two different men ? Son of Alexander Murray, 7th Lord Elibank, Scotland. Started Lodge in Melb.
· YAH – closing tabs then STOP !!!!!!
· RWBro. Wellington Lee AM,OBE,RFD JP (1925 – 2022), businessman and pharmacist. 5 terms as Melbourne Councillor, Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne. President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Victoria, the Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Chinese Associations. Member RSL State Executive (1992-1997), RSL State Council, past President of the Hawthorn South RSL (1993-1997) and former President of the Australian National Flag Association. Lodge Guardian No 626
· Arthur King (?-1908) prominent musician & conductor on the Goldfields. Kalgoorie Masonic Lodge 24