On The Grapevine (articles about wine)
In addition to working in Melbourne’s CBD, Mike has owned his own winery and is by far the most informed member of the lodge when it comes to wine production and tasting.
Having been on our lodge newsletter, Devotion News, distribution list for a little while, Mike was keen to make a contribution to it and started a column “On the Grapeview” in which he talks about the merits of different bottlings, how they are produced and how to drink them !
In August 2015 Mike became the Treasurer of the Lodge - I suspect with the sole purpose of allocating an appropriate budget (read "larger") to Lodge Devotion's wine purchasing expense.
We wish our Treasurer every success !!!
On the Grapevine is a series of articles about wine and related topics which appeared in our Lodge Newsletter, Devotion News.
All were written by Brother Mike who was introduced to Freemasonry by a long standing friend who is a member of our Lodge.
Mike was initiated into Lodge Devotion in mid 2010.