The Right Royal Noble Valiant Christian Chivalrous and Masonic Order Of Zorro (ROZ)
This historical Order enacts the trials, development, achievements, and rewards undertaken and received by the great historical figure and childhood hero, Imperial Knight Count Don Zorro. It is based on the philosophical philosophies of Zoroaster, the Patron Saint of the Order. The ultimate secrets of a Christian knight mason are revealed.
Membership of the Order is by invitation only. In line with usual practice for similar and (much) lower Orders, foundation members should not be out of pocket and their development and traveling expenses which will be amortized over the fees paid by new members.
Freemasons eligible to be invited to be Candidates will be young (under 80 years of age) and in good standing in the Craft with not less than 5 years membership, and active membership of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite having attained at least the rank of 31st Degree in that Rite. However for a consideration, which will be advised, lesser qualifications may be accepted upon payment of a waiver fee.
A re-affirmation of the Christian Faith will be required of Candidates. However, a dispensation fee may be paid in lieu of faith.
It is proposed that the Council of the Order will meet only twice annually and the Imperial Council annually as convened by the Imperial Secretary.
The Order has only one Dependent Order, “The Order of the Faithful Servant of Zorro”.
Degrees in the Order
The Don of the Moorish invasion
Cavalier of New Mexico, Mississippi and the Koonung Creek.
Valiant and Chivalrous Knight of California
August Disciple of Zoroaster
Full sleeved embroidered white shirt.
String tie, cravat or neck-scarf (red, black, white or purple for the Degree held in the Order)
Riding breeches (black)
Cummerbund (purple)
Riding knee boots (black)
Opera cape (black with purple lining)
Rapier (very blunt)
Andalusian style hat
Black cowl mask (Toupees and corsets should be worn)
Masonic 50 year jewels, Ancient and Accepted Rite jewels and genuine replicas of military medals
Provisional (until full dress is obtained)
Black elastic sided boots, dress boots or ugg boots, dinner suit trousers tucked into the top of stockings or black underwear (must be clean and in good repair) or pantyhose, black tie, a 30th Degree sword, an improvised cape (such as an old circular table cloth dyed black) a cricket hat dyed black.
The Most Grand Imperial Council
The Most Grand Imperial Council is the governing body in the Order in this Province. Other than those Foundation Members appointed to it at the time of Consecration of the Council, appointment to it will be by selection from those who have passed through all the Degrees of the Order an held the appointment of Imperial Knight of the Council. Discussion will not be entered into. Decisions by the Imperial Council will be binding. The Imperial Council will make all appointments.
Financial Considerations
The following donations (Foundation Members exempted) will be received:
Initiation $2,345.67
Annually $1,111.11
Dining per meeting $225.56
Dispensations (normally) $562.25
Passing Degrees $512.33
Advancement to the Imperial Council $1,000.89
Fines (dress, method of address, etc) $100 – 500 upon each and every instance
Imperial Grand Secretary